Hignell Rentals Blog

    Where to Kayak Near ChicoWhere to Kayak Near Chico

    Looking for places to kayak near Chico? We have a short list of the best spots to check out. Whether you are a seasoned...

    Rental Living Tips for Saving EnergyRental Living Tips for Saving Energy

    The warm weather is here and you may be wondering how to save on your energy bill. Instead of turning on your air...

    7 Things to Know Before Searching for a Rental7 Things to Know Before Searching for a Rental

    If you're thinking about renting in Chico or Redding California, then you may start to feel a little overwhelmed. But...

    8 Apartment Living Tips to Prevent a Fire8 Apartment Living Tips to Prevent a Fire

    While wildfires are a big concern during the summer in Northern California, they aren't the only type of fires that can...

    Tips for Using Hignell Rentals For Apartment SearchingTips for Using Hignell Rentals For Apartment Searching

    Apartment searching can be hard, stressful, and time consuming. Deciding where you should live next is a big deal, and...

    20 Things To Do This Summer in Chico California20 Things To Do This Summer in Chico California

    Chico, California is a wonderful place to be, especially during the summer. Many think of Chico as a small town with...
    2 Min Read

    Apartment Safety Tips to Remember While Living in Hignell RentalsApartment Safety Tips to Remember While Living in Hignell Rentals

    If you read the news much, you'll come across stories of increased crime across the state. It's easy to find yourself...

    Learn How To Clean Your Air Vents in Your RentalLearn How To Clean Your Air Vents in Your Rental

    Did you know that you should be cleaning your air vents on a regular basis? Along with many other things in your...

    8 Reasons Why You Should Be Living in Chico Rentals8 Reasons Why You Should Be Living in Chico Rentals

    There are so many reasons why you should move into a Chico Rental. There are many things to do, places to see and...

    Are Your Apartment Neighbors Driving You Crazy?Are Your Apartment Neighbors Driving You Crazy?

    Apartment living means you're bound to have a problem with a neighbor at some point. If you feel comfortable with mild...

    Solve These Problems By Living in Chico Rental PropertiesSolve These Problems By Living in Chico Rental Properties

    There are many reasons why living in Chico rental properties can make your life easier. Owning a house has its own...

    Fun Filled Toys to Help Your Pet Enjoy Apartment LivingFun Filled Toys to Help Your Pet Enjoy Apartment Living

    We know it can be hard to live in an apartment with a pet. As a pet owner it's important that you have things around...

    Hignell Rentals is Your Home for Northern California Rentals.

    At Hignell Rentals we have been maintaining and renting properties in the North State since 1970. We value relationships and caring communities, honoring and encouraging one another, unwavering integrity, uncommon generosity, and growth and innovation. We strive to provide our residents with a quality living environment across the North State in Redding, Red Bluff, Chico, Oroville and surrounding areas.