Hignell Rentals Blog

    Living in Chico Event: Pizza Party at Sterling OaksLiving in Chico Event: Pizza Party at Sterling Oaks

    Mr. Rogers had it right, neighbors are important. And here at Living in Chico, we love our neighbors too! So much so...

    Living in Chico Event: Milkshake Madness at 1661 Forest Ave.Living in Chico Event: Milkshake Madness at 1661 Forest Ave.

    When you are looking at new apartments here in Chico, what are your must-haves? It will most likely include a pool,...
    0 Min Read

    Sometimes Living in Chico Apartment Searching Really Can Be "Funner"Sometimes Living in Chico Apartment Searching Really Can Be "Funner"

    That’s right, we said it. At Living in Chico we make apartment searching funner. Over the past few years, we have...
    2 Min Read

    ICYMI: May Recap - Tips for Moving into Apartments in Chico CaliforniaICYMI: May Recap - Tips for Moving into Apartments in Chico California

    Wow did the month of May go by quickly or what? This month at Living in Chico we talked a lot about the moving process...

    ICYMI: September Recap-Fun Fall Happenings While Living in ChicoICYMI: September Recap-Fun Fall Happenings While Living in Chico

    Wow September flew by and fall is here! If you missed out on our wonderful blogs that highlight our complexes and Chico...

    How Living in Chico Participates in #GivingTuesdayHow Living in Chico Participates in #GivingTuesday

    With all of the common festivities around Thanksgiving, we would like to share a little bit about another global day...
    3 Min Read

    Summer Time Activities While Living in ChicoSummer Time Activities While Living in Chico

    Tea Bar & Fusion Cafe Giveaway This summer LivingInChico.com is giving away 2 free $20 gift cards to Tea Bar &...
    2 Min Read

    Best of ChicoBest of Chico

    What’s your favorite place in Chico? Well Chico, it has arrived! Chico News & Review is having its annual Best of Chico...
    3 Min Read

    5 Steps to Playing Disc Golf Living in Apartments in Chico California5 Steps to Playing Disc Golf Living in Apartments in Chico California

    Disc golf has become a new fad especially here in Chico. Living in apartments in Chico California means you have...

    Hignell Rentals is Your Home for Northern California Rentals.

    At Hignell Rentals we have been maintaining and renting properties in the North State since 1970. We value relationships and caring communities, honoring and encouraging one another, unwavering integrity, uncommon generosity, and growth and innovation. We strive to provide our residents with a quality living environment across the North State in Redding, Red Bluff, Chico, Oroville and surrounding areas.