smoke detector in apartmentWhile it may seem self explanatory of what one should do when a fire starts, you can never say it enough.

It's happening. You've done everything you can to prevent a fire in your apartment, but alas there is a fire in your kitchen and the smoke detectors are going off and there is no way you can tend to the fire. 

Remember to stay calm and to take action immediately. In moments of panic simple steps can escape your mind, but if you repeat them aloud and commit them to memory beforehand you'll be more likely to remember them if/when the time comes.

Take Action 

First thing you have to remember is to stay calm and identify the location of the fire. 

  1. If there is smoke present, flash back to elementary school when your teacher taught you, get down on your hands and knees and crawl. Smoke inhalation, not flames, is one of the leading causes of deaths in situations like these. 

  2. Whether you are crawling or walking quickly on your feet, identify the safest fire escape route to use. Before you open the door, feel the door or door handle to check the temperature. If it is hot, use a different route. if it is cool, then slowly open the door to exit. 

  3. Make sure to close the door behind you to help prevent the spread of the fire.

  4. Yell "FIRE!" and pull the nearest fire alarm so others around you who aren't aware can react accordingly.

  5. Call 911 and inform them of the fire at your location 

  6. If you can, help children and elderly out of the apartment complex. 

Reminder: Do not go back into your apartment for your belongings.

Things to Remember

  • Have an escape plan in place and rehearsed. Do this especially if you have kids. They need to know what to do and where to go if something were to happen to you and if they are alone without an adult.
  • If the fire is blocking the exits…Go into a room that is furthest away from the smoke and fire. Close the door and open a window, unless this allows smoke into the room you are in. If you can, use wet towels, sheets, or blankets to put around the door to prevent smoke from getting into the room.

  • Let the firefighters know that you need assistance by putting a sheet, towel, shirt, or anything that you can out the window (if it's safe to open it). Even better if you can wave it to get their attention. If you can't do any of this, call 911 again and let them know which apartment number and room you're in and that you're trapped. 

  • Never use an elevator as a way to escape. Always find a staircase.

There are some things you can do to prevent a fire in your apartments in Chico, California. For example, make sure that your electrical cords on your stove top are in good working condition before making food. To find more tips on what to do if there is a fire present in your apartment, visit American Red Cross.