renters insurance graphic with umbrellaOne of the best ways to prevent potential stress in the face of emergencies is buying renter's insurance. There are so many different factors that could potentially cause emergencies that involve apartments in Chico or Redding California, and unfortunately we don’t have much control over preventing them.

What we do have control over is making sure you, the renter, are covered by buying renter's insurance. If you don’t have renter's insurance and are questioning the importance of being covered, then this blog is for you.

Let’s first start with watching this video on the basics of renter's insurance.



From this video we learned that renter's insurance:

  • Provides coverage of your personal property
  • Provides coverage of liability
  • Provides additional living expenses
  • On average costs less than $200 a year

Here are a few scenarios from to help shed light on why every renter in apartments in Chico or Redding California should be covered with renter's insurance.  

9 Scenarios Covered by Renter's Insurance:

1. Your phone’s stolen at a music festival

"In this day and age, it’s pretty rare to leave the house without a phone. We bring our phones everywhere: to work, a friend’s house, and a cross-country trip.

So naturally, some of the most common Q’s we’re asked at Lemonade are: Does renters insurance cover cell phones? and, Does renters insurance cover theft outside the home? 

Our answer? It sure does!

And luckily, renters insurance doesn’t only cover your stuff at home – it has your back when you’re on-the-go. So if your phone is stolen at a music festival, or on your commute home from work, renters insurance can reimburse you."

2. Your laptop’s swiped while traveling

"Let’s say you’re gearing up for a trip to Europe, and decide to bring your laptop with you. You pack your stuff, jet off to your destination, and unpack your things in your hotel room before you begin to explore. You come back to your room, only to realize your laptop’s missing.

If you have renters insurance, you can relax knowing your laptop’s covered, and enjoy the rest of your vacay."

3. Your bike’s stolen (even though you locked it)

"Even if you take the time lock up your bike, sometimes you still get unlucky. And lucky for you, renters insurance covers stolen bikes!"

4. Your neighbors leave their faucet on, and it floods your apartment

"Let’s say your neighbors leave their kitchen sink running, or forget to turn off their bathroom faucet, and the water comes dripping down into your apartment. You come home from a long day at work, only to find your stuff soaking wet. Joy. No fear – renters insurance can pay you back for the damage caused to your things."

To read the rest of the scenarios that insurnace covers from, click here.

Fire Season 

Fire season alone should be reason enough to have Renter's Insurance in Northern California. Every year there is a fire somewhere within the state. You may think that your apartment is safe, but it’s better to be prepared than to wish you'd sacrificed those 2 coffees a month  so you could purchase renter’s insurance.

Are you starting to understand why it's important for you to buy renter's insurance? It not only gives you coverage in emergencies, but also gives you a simple peace of mind that you will be taken care of in the future. Buying this coverage is a great way to start the year getting yourself and your apartment on track for success. Learn more about Renter's Insurance by downloading our free eBook below!