cleaning microwaveMicrowaves are a modern day convenience that most of us use on a daily basis. Whether it be heating up water to have tea or preparing your leftovers for lunch, your microwave is a wonderful time saver. But every time that you use it, there's a chance that there will be a smell or food left behind that you will need to clean up. Here are a few tips that you can use to clean up your microwave in your Hignell Rentals apartment.

Cleaning with Lemon

Want to leave the inside of your microwave clean and smelling delicious? Use this method that uses a lemon shown in the video below.



 YouTube video by Clean my Space

Cleaning with Vinegar

Don’t have a lemon, but have vinegar? Watch this video to learn how to clean your microwave with ease.



 YouTube video by Tip of the Iceberg

Cleaning Oven Filters Under Your Microwave [Bonus]

Most apartments in Hignell Rentals provide microwaves that are found above your stove and have filters built in the bottom of the microwave. If you use your stove top, unwanted grease and food will collect in those filters. Check out this video that will show you how to easily clean these.



YouTube video by HomeOwnerRepair

Cleaning your microwave that has dry food inside of it might seem like a scary task, but after you watched these videos we bet you've changed your mind!

Other Places to Clean Within Your Kitchen

Now that you've finished cleaning your microwave why not continue the cleaning spree around the rest of your kitchen? 


  • Remove items on section or shelf at a time, wipe down and clean any spills that may have occurred. 
  • Before placing food back, check the expiration dates to see if anything should be thrown away. 
  • Clean under foot guard and gaskets surrounding both refrigerator and freezer doors. 


  • Wipe down the side of the stove.
  • Lift range top and clean underneath.
  • Clean range hood and check filter, replace if needed.
  • Clean drip pans or replace with new drip pans.


  • Cleaner should not drip on heating element or on the chrome lip of the bottom drawer.
  • Pull out oven racks and scrub.
  • Wipe clean of all food residue.


  • Clean rim of garage disposal and rim of drains.
  • Scrub inside of sink and wipe down outside of sink.

Odds and Ends:

  • Wipe down countertops.
  • Wipe down cupboards and doors.
  • To clean light fixtures, take them all down and run them through the dishwasher. 
  • Clean inside and outside of dishwasher.
  • Remove all cobwebs.
  • Clean and wipe down kitchen trash cans inside and out.
  • Wipe down walls with a mild soap solution only. 
  • Clean entire floor. 

Woah! Just like that, your kitchen looks sparkling clean and brand new, doesn't it feel good? For more tips for on deep cleaning your apartment, download our free eBook below and use that extra time to clean!