Man_holding_a_pot_from_stinky_fridgeWhen you opened up your refrigerator today, what did you see? Better yet, what did you smell? We've all opened up the contraption that keeps our food cool and been hit with a stench from something sour that spilled a fragrance that resembles the left over onion that you cut up a few weeks ago for tacos. This is just a regular yet not-so-much-fun part of apartment living.

Just like everything else in your Chico or Redding apartment, your fridge should be something that you clean on a semi regular basis. This will ensure that you're getting the optimal use out of your appliance.

Think about it, when you don’t spend time in your refrigerator, food expires, piles up, and creates rank smells. When it's full to the brim, the unit doesn’t circulate cool air as much which makes the fridge overwork or not work properly. So it’s time to clean!

What you will need:

  1. All purpose cleaner or you can create your own cleaner at home
  2. Non-scratch sponge
  3. Clean rag
  4. Baking soda

Here is a video to show you how to clean your refrigerator step-by-step!

Now that you know how, it’s time to clean your refrigerator! What will you clean next in your Chico or Redding apartment?