lightbulb with a green landscape inside of itWith California being in a drought, we're paying more attention to ways we can save water. Simple things like turning off the water while brushing our teeth and limiting the amount of times we wash our cars have been in the forefront of our minds. When you chose apartment living, you may have thought that there wasn't a lot you could do to help conserve. 

Thankfully there are different ways you can conserve water, energy and even waste. Being sustainable in an apartment is easier than it has ever has been with small compost bins that fit perfectly on patios and newer electronics that use less energy. Here is a great article from Apartment Therapy that gives tips on being sustainable while living in an apartment.

6 Tips For Sustainable Living

Last weekend we had a sustainable living coach stop by our house. We've always recycled in our apartment and used scratch paper for printing but it never really went beyond that. Toying with composting recently we wondered what other simple things we could do in our apartment that could really make a difference. Six simple tips anyone can do after the jump.

Deborah Tull, owner of Creative Green in Silverlake (who happens to also teach workshops at All Shades of Green) stopped by our apartment last Saturday. She gave us amazing resources, tips and how-to's for our space. We decided to handpick our favorite six sustainable living tips out of our pages of notes. We have a long way to go in order to be totally green but Deborah reminded us that it's important to start small.

[To read the full article click here]

Looking for more apartment living tips? Check out our Rental Resource page to find more tips for both apartment and rental living!