running bathroom faucetWe all know that California is in a drought. On the news we see pictures of our lakes that are way too low, we partake in discussions on social media and now we have new regulations on our water usage that affect everyone in some way. But what does that mean for you specifically if you live in apartments in Chico California?

If you live in apartments in Chico California, you don’t have to worry about watering your lawn or even maintenance for the pool. But to ensure that you are doing everything you can to conserve your water usage, Cal Water published a blog that gives tips to help apartment dwellers like you! 

How Can I Save Water in My Apartment Building?

Written by: Cal Water

Although apartments generally use less water than houses, in some ways apartment dwellers can do more to conserve water than homeowners. Think of it this way, if everyone in your building does a little something to save water, that small water savings is multiplied by the number of units. So if everyone saves just two gallons of water per day, your building may be saving 10, 50, or 100 gallons per day, depending on the number of units.

Some apartment dwellers pay their own water bills, and some do not. But whether or not you have an individual water bill, it benefits you to conserve water. 

[Continue to Original Article to Read the Tips]

Experiencing a drought can sometimes make it feel as if you're limited to some of the activities you can do. If you're blanking on things you can do during this drought check out our North State Living page and find an activity that sounds like fun (and doesn't require water usage)!