dog in innertub in waterNow that summertime is in full swing, the heat is here to stay. For folks living in the North State, it's no shock that triple digits will be around for the next few months. 

We know how to keep ourselves cool during these high temps, but how do we keep our pet cool?

Keeping Pets Cool Indoors

When living in an apartment, you don't have a ton of room to play with (but then neither does your pet). No matter if your home or running an errand, make sure that you:

  • Provide a lot of cool water (add ice cubes to keep it colder)
    • With the hope that they continue to hydrate throughout the day, it's important that you can take them on routine bathroom breaks since they don't have access to a back or front yard.
  • Let your pet have access to any tile or linoleum floor (this is cooler than carpet)

When you leave for longer periods of time (i.e. work), make sure that you:

  • Keep the air conditioner on, if possible
    • If you can't keep the air conditioner on while away, circulate the air with a fan or two.
  • Buy a cooling mat that is safe to be inside
  • Keep your curtains or blinds closed during the day, this will help to keep the heat out.

Keeping Pets Cool Outside

When renting a home, duplex, or multiplex you may have access to a backyard, but there are still plenty of things you need to keep in mind: 

  • Provide a lot of cool  water (add ice cubes to keep it colder)
  • Buy a cooling mat
  • Allow your pet to have access to concrete that is shaded (this will be cooler)
  • Make sure your outside area has shade (if not purchase coverage)
  • Take them for walks/exercise in the cooler parts of the day (early mornings or late evenings).
    • You can also use dog booties/shoes to protect their pads from being burned!

And if you aren’t able to provide any of this immediately for your pet, you can always take them to doggie daycare while you are away at work or on vacation. 

Other Pet Cooling Tips to Keep in Mind

  • During the high heat, it's best to keep your pet home as much as possible. They can travel in the car with you, but do not leave them alone in the car for any length of time (even if parked in the shade). 
  • Keep your pet well groomed during the summer, it's easier for them to stay cool when they don't have a thick fur coat to compete with. 
  • Keep your eye out for symptoms of a heatstroke - exaggerated panting, rapid heartbeat, high fever, vomiting, staring, anxious expression and warm, dry skin. If your pet exhibits any of these, immediately take them to your vet!

Here at Hignell Rentals, we want everybody and every pet to stay cool and safe while we are having hot weather conditions. For more rental living tips and tricks subscribe to our blog