HR- Community Blog

Apartment living in Chico offers a wonderful atmosphere to build friendships that last a lifetime. However, in today’s world, meeting people who you can build community with is increasingly difficult. From our jobs to families to the busyness of life, it’s easy to want to come home at the end of the day and avoid social interactions altogether. But at Hignell Rentals, we’re firm believers that fun and friendships are an integral part of healthy communities. 

An apartment complex is more than a building; it’s a vertical neighborhood. People take pride in their neighborhoods and communities here in Chico and apartment residents can offer their unique contributions to the communities within their building complex. But sometimes, you must be the one to take the first step. Read on to discover how you can get started building community in your Chico apartment complex.

1. Be Friendly

Whether you realize it or not, the people you live near or share walls with are part of your everyday life. You hear what they listen to, smell what they cook, and usually start to know their routine.

As you see other residents in passing, make it a point to smile and say hello or wave to them as you come and go. Pretty soon you’ll be greeting each other at the mailboxes, making small talk, helping carry groceries up the stairs, or watering plants while they’re out of town.

As you start recognizing each other’s habits, it can also be another source of safety and peace of mind knowing there are others looking out for you.

2. Attend Apartment Community Events

Most apartment complexes sponsor organized social events for residents. Attending them can be a great way to meet others living near you.

The Hignell Companies founded a nonprofit organization called Creating Caring Communities to address the stark need for community-building resources in Chico apartment communities.

Many of our apartment complexes in Chico have a Creating Caring Community team including: Amanda Place, Forest Avenue, Lassen Villa, Sterling Oaks, Sheridan Square, Train Station, and Tuscan Villa properties.

They’re ready to serve residents and make their Chico apartment living experience a success by creating opportunities for residents to get to know each other.

The participating apartment communities each have a calendar of events for residents to attend. Some examples of events include nacho night, bingo night, trivia night, continental breakfasts for residents on Wednesdays, and many others.

Attending events like these is a great way to meet people and build relationships. Check with the apartment manager at your complex to see if something similar is provided. If it’s not, check your complex’s policies and procedures to see what they say about organizing your own apartment community event.

3. Find a Need to Fill

Have you ever noticed a specific need in your Chico apartment community? It could be a need for after-school study groups for kids living in the complex, or maybe you find out that your neighbors' dogs enjoy the company of others in their own species, so you organize a dog-walking group.

Maybe you generate interest in a community project, like a blood drive, charity event, hike or fun run. Creating your own events gives you the power to organize people around shared ideas you think are important for the community to participate in. In fact, it may even help you meet some like-minded people in the building or complex who could turn into lifelong friends.

Be sure to consult with management first to make sure you aren’t piggybacking on anything they are already planning or supporting in the community.

4. Utilize Common Spaces

Be sure to utilize the common facilities and amenities that are offered at your Chico apartment complex. Relationships can be formed on the basketball court, at the pool, or working out in the fitness center. The more time you spend in these public areas, the more opportunities you’ll have to meet the people that not only share a common activity, but also share your building or complex. Don’t be too shy to say hello. You might be missing out on a great friendship.

 5. Host a Get-Together with Neighbors

Sometimes, you must be the one to take the first step. Hosting a small get-together with your Chico apartment neighbors can be a great way to build a sense of community and get to know the people who live nearby. Start by creating a flyer, sending a group text, or simply knocking on the door to invite people over.

When planning the event, set a theme or activity, such as a game night, potluck, or movie screening. Provide some snacks and drinks for guests and have enough seating and space for everyone to socialize comfortably. Make it simple by asking people to bring their favorite appetizer or beverage to share and have some fun ice breaker games ready just in case. With a little bit of planning, you can create a fun and memorable get-together with your apartment neighbors.

6. Engage with Management

Your apartment management may take an active role in building community by supporting events and activities, and providing resources such as meeting spaces, equipment, and supplies. Make it a priority to introduce yourself to the apartment manager and find out what your complex offers.

Read the communications that are sent out by management and be actively involved in any resident events, social media channels, message boards or other communication channels they have set up. These often come in the form of texts, emails, letters, newsletter, or community board announcements posted in a common area.

Building an apartment community makes life richer, more exciting, and more joyful. Apartment complexes that develop a strong sense of community offer a safer, cleaner, and friendlier environment for residents. If you want your Chico apartment complex to be a great place to live, one of the best things you can do is invest in building a strong community.