It seemed like the temperature went from summer to winter over night and skipped fall altogether. This more than likely caught you off guard when it came to prepping your rental for colder weather.
Don’t worry, we have the tips to help you quickly get your home ready for temperatures below 60 degrees.
Windows and Doors
Your goal here is to make sure cold air can’t get into your rental and no hot air is escaping, and running up your energy bill.
You won’t be needing that window AC unit anymore, so go ahead and remove it so you can prevent any air from coming through.
Next, check your doors and windows for any cracks or leaks. If you find any, caulking or weather-stripping may be needed. If you think there is something larger that needs to be done or something you aren’t comfortable doing yourself, contact your rental office and they can be sure the job gets done right.
Set Your Thermostat
If you didn’t know, keeping your heater running can actually save you money. Turning your heater completely off can cause it to have to work harder and longer to maintain temperature.
We recommend you keep your heater on a comfortable temperature for when you are at home and when you leave for the day you can lower it by a little, but not by much. The same is said for when you go to bed, lower it a little and then snuggle under those blankets!
Changing your HVAC filters is a good idea no matter the season. If you are unsure of what ones to buy, contact your rental office or see if you can find the model name on the ones you currently have. They aren’t expensive and can help your home stay warmer and your heater work less hard.
Alarms and Detectors
We know how annoying the beeps can be and how fire alarms go off for seemingly no reason, however, they are there to keep you safe and therefore need to be maintained.
Check to make sure the batteries in both your fire detectors and carbon monoxide alarms are fresh and ready for the season. In winter, we keep our windows closed and enjoy the cozy smell of a seasonal candle. You’ll probably be baking as well. All of these factors mean fire hazards and potential air pollutants. You want to be sure you and those you live with are safe and sound.
Ceiling Fans
One of the best “life hacks” is learning that you can reverse your ceiling fans rotation. Make sure your fan blades are clean to prevent allergies and any surprises falling. After dusting, rotate the direction of the blades, usually there is a switch above them that just needs a push. This will create an updraft to push the warm air down into your rooms to make the warm air stay where it is supposed to.
Yes, Christmas trees are the star of the show in most homes this time of year. But there are other plants that can bring you cheer. Poinsettias aside, look for plants that will add life and green to your indoors. It will add color and life to your rental when you are longing for warmer temperatures and for the trees to not be so bare.
When it comes to preparing your rental for winter, it's always good to double check that you have Renter's Insurance. Fire hazards can be higher in the winter when it comes to baking, lighting candles, and all the electrical that happens when decorating for the holidays. If you don't already have Renter's Insurance, want to know more about it, or see which plan is best for you then download our free guide below. Spoiler Alert: Renter's Insurance is something ever renter should have, whether you are renting a house or an apartment!