cardboard boxes in empty room cornerYou may not be a list-maker now. But chances are, you probably will be the master of this proficiency by the time you move out of your Chico or Redding apartment.

Try dispensing with the usual “things to do" list and make a “moves to make" list to honor the approaching occasion. It will help you keep track of what you need to do so that nothing escapes your attention, even unwittingly.

You don’t necessarily have to tackle the nine items on your “moves to make” list in this specific order, except for the first item. But the countdown is on, and all of these tasks will demand your attention at some point in the weeks before you leave your Chico or Redding apartment:

Move No. 1: Inform your landlord

Check your lease to find out how much notice you must give (probably 30 days) and in what format you must provide it (probably writing). Landlords can be persnickety about move-out notices, and you don’t want to pay for an extra month’s rent when you’ve already moved on to your new place.

Move No. 2: Stock up on boxes

If you can’t grab boxes at work, make friends with the stock people at your local grocery store. They should be happy to tell you the best times of day to pick up boxes so they don’t have to break them down and toss them out.

Move No. 3: Begin packing little-used items

They’re different for everyone, but most people have things they don’t use on a regular basis. Begin with the things on the “opposite” end of the calendar so you don’t have to double-back – and unpack.

Move No. 4: Begin pruning unwanted or unnecessary items

How should you define these terms? If you’ve been in your Chico or Redding apartment for one year and haven’t reached for an item since you moved in, it probably falls in this category. Getting rid of an item now – or donating it to charity or selling it – will spare you from moving it.

Move No. 5: Plan meals carefully to use up food items, both perishable and nonperishable

Here, too, the more you downsize, the more you will lighten your load.

Move No. 6: Officially change your address – here, there and everywhere

Begin with the post office – and be sure to leave your forwarding address.

Move No. 7: Shut off or transfer your utilities

The electric, water and gas companies have lots of experience with the procedure, so it should be a snap.

Move No. 8: Let the cleaning begin

You can try to dust, vacuum and deep-clean appliances and fixtures before your moving day. But the reality is, the moving process itself can create a mess, and you’ll probably grow annoyed that you have to retrace your steps later. So you may wish to reach a reasonable compromise by dusting and cleaning ceiling fans in the week or two before your move but leaving the heavy-duty cleaning until after you move out. With everything out of your way, you’ll probably work more efficiently, too.

Move No. 9: Schedule a final walk-through with your landlord

This may be a pivotal meeting, allowing you to find out what repairs, if any, your landlord may withhold from your security deposit. Ask questions and get the details now, preferably in written form, so that you don’t find yourself in small claims court to resolve a dispute over the security deposit on your Chico or Redding apartment.

Once you check these items off your list, you're bound to feel so organized and on top of things that you create a new “moves to make” list – for your new home.