Hignell Rentals Blog

Resolutions You Can Keep Living in Apartments in Chico California

December 30, 2022 / by Hignell Rentals Team

2023 goalsYou might call them resolutions. You might call them goals. We’ve even heard of people ditching both and choosing a word or phrase to be their theme for the year. Whatever you call it, the New Year brings a desire in people to want to better themselves.

You know the classic story. You start out ambitious, excited, and determined. You have all kinds of energy to put to good use. But after a couple of weeks you feel the energy draining, the ambition waning, and your excitement and determination turning to regret and dread. Before you get to this point, there are ways you can keep your resolutions living in apartments in Chico California.

You Want to Exercise More and Lose X Amount 

Most apartments in Chico California provide an exercise room or swimming pool as part of the amenities offered. Some apartments are located near the park or have a walking/running path around the complex. Take advantage of what your complex has to offer to help you achieve your exercise goals, but make your goals realistic.

For example, set aside 30 minutes three days a week to do an activity you enjoy, not something you’ll dread. Decide which time of day works best for your schedule. Soon enough you’ll probably find you’re extending the length of your exercise routine or even adding another day. Lastly, make sure you put on the mindset of "I get to..." instead of "I have to..." it'll help shift your emotions when it comes to working out.                  

You Want to Get Organized

Living in apartments in Chico California means you probably don’t have a lot of extra storage. You can still make living in a small space comfortable and efficient for yourself. Getting organized can sometimes seem like an overwhelming task, so make a doable plan to tackle small tasks one at a time. There are a few different ways you can do this:

  • Organize by room
  • Start by cleaning out cupboards and closets. A good rule of thumb is to toss anything you haven’t used in a year.
  • Organize by item – clothes, kitchen pantry, kid’s toys, office files, etc.
  • Once you have decided what you no longer want, make a donation pile and a throw away pile.
  • Try rearranging your furniture. If a piece doesn’t work, just get rid of it.
  • Be intentional about cutting clutter – for example, instead of tossing the pile of mail on the counter when you get home, quickly sift through what is trash and what needs more intention. Have baskets ready and labeled for mail “to save” or that “needs attention.”

You Want to be More Social

You might already have a close group of friends or coworkers, but you’re ready to expand your circle. Maybe you just moved into apartments in Chico California and you’re looking for ways to meet people in town.

Check out the clubhouse schedule to see what’s happening at your complex. There are usually weekly breakfasts scheduled, barbecues, game nights, movie nights, or community service projects to get involved in. You can also make an extra effort to say hello to your neighbors when passing by in the parking lot or picking up your mail.

SEE ALSO: 3 Ways to Meet People in Your Apartment Complex

Living in apartments in Chico California can help you keep your New Year’s resolutions, but ultimately it’s up to you to set realistic goals, discipline yourself to stick to them, let yourself off the hook when you miss a day or opportunity, and decide to keep moving forward. Re-evaluate your resolutions each month and change them if you need to. The point is your being proactive and learning what works best for you. Good luck!

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Topics: Apartment Living, Rental Living

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