carved halloween pumpkinsDid you know that carving pumpkins originated in Ireland? Ancient Celtic cultures would actually carve turnips (pumpkins didn’t exist in Ireland) on All Hallow’s Eve and place an ember in them to ward off evil spirits. The Irish brought the tradition to America which has turned into a favorite October pastime for all ages and skills.

Are you planning on carving a pumpkin to put on display at your rental? Visit a pumpkin patch to pick out the perfect pumpkin for your canvas or if you don't have time visit your local grocery store or hardware store and dig through the pile. 

Choosing Your Design

There are so many different design options for your to use as a guide to creating a pumpkin you're proud of. Here are just a few ideas for you to look throw:

No matter what you design you choose, make sure you have fun! It's an experience each time to see if you can either make the best design or the worst. For better luck at getting your design just right purchase a carving kit!

Once you've chosen your design, it's time to start carving! To help you create the best carved pumpkin yet, we've found this handy dandy step-by-step infographic below!

How to Carve a Pumpkin Like a Pro - Infographic

Posted by: Real Simple

howtocarvepumpkin_realsimple_libbyvanderploeg[Source: RealSimple.comillustration by Libby VanderPloeg]

Have you ever considered cutting an opening in the back of the pumpkin instead of cutting the top off? Brilliant! And using LED strings lights or a tea lite are great ways to light your pumpkin for trick-or-treaters and not have to worry about any fire danger. Pumpkin preservation is also a great idea –- so you can enjoy your creation for as long as possible without getting frightened by the rot.

However, if you think carving a pumpkin sounds too messy and time consuming, try these other pumpkin decorating ideas for your rental. From spray painting pumpkins to creating DIY centerpieces and vases, you can still create something festive. Once your pumpkin is ready, put it on display for all your rental neighbors to see by setting it on your front porch, your patio railing, or keep it safe and sound inside for visitors to enjoy!


Make sure your rental is clean for all the holiday decorating (unless of course cobwebs help out the haunted look) so that your decorations stand out! It's always a good idea to complete a deep clean every few months to help keep everything in good shape. Download your Seasonal Cleaning Checklist today!