Cleaning supplies on a wooden backgroundThere's nothing quite like moving into Chico apartments and taking your first, I-can't-believe-I'm-here look at your new surroundings. The kitchen appliances gleam, the counters shine and the bathroom positively sparkles from top to bottom -– almost as though your Chico apartment is smiling back at you.

But after a few days, reality sets in and your smile gets turned upside down when you realize: This place is getting kind of grungy, and I really ought to clean it.

Just as there are seven wonders of the world, there are seven wonderful tips that professional cleaning agencies follow that will help your cleaning routine become...something of a routine –- a task you approach with the discipline of a drill sergeant.

On second thought, you might not wish to carry things quite that far. But there's no doubt that these seven tips will foster efficiency. Plus, even if you dislike cleaning and have to force yourself to roll out the vacuum cleaner, you might be surprised to find that these tips can make cleaning your Chico apartment enjoyable –- so that you can smile at it again.

Tip No. 1: Become a “cleaning minimizer”

Make a commitment right now to take the long view on cleaning to minimize your eventual workload. For example, don't stack dishes on the counter overnight; rinse them and put them in the dishwasher –- and then wipe down the counter. Remove fresh stains from appliances –- and especially the microwave -– as they occur. And wipe down your shower door with a squeegee after every use to prevent hard water spots from developing.

Tip No. 2: Bring other people to the “minimizer party”

Take a page from the playbook of parents with toddlers who crawl around on the floor and put everything in their mouths: Cut off the trail of dust, dirt, mud, grease, gum, pollen and who knows what else people track in on their shoes by asking that guests remove their shoes at the door. Don't just ask for compliance; expect it, and model good behavior by embracing the barefoot or sock look yourself.

Tip No. 3: Establish a routine that works for you

If you're inclined to finish all your cleaning in one afternoon, go for it. Some people like to clean and do laundry and run the dishwasher all at once. Then they're done with cleaning things for the week. But if, say, confronting the kitchen and bathrooms in one session is too daunting for you, then attack them on two separate days.

Tip No. 4: Prune your products; just make sure your arsenal includes vinegar and water

You don't need 10 different cleaning products; they're largely overrated and can't hold a candle to the cleaning power of a spray bottle filled with one-half white vinegar, one-half water. You can use the mixture to clean virtually everything in your Chico apartment –- glass, counters, appliances and even carpets –- except wood.

Tip No. 5: Embrace microfiber cloths; say goodbye to cotton rags, feather dusters and wasteful paper towels

Buy a bundle of microfiber cloths at the store and watch how they pick up dust, not move it around, when they're dry. Get them wet and they can be used to wash the floor. And when they get dirty, all you have to do is wash them, dry them and press them back into active duty.

Tip No. 6: Keep your cleaning act together

There's a reason carpenters carry a bag of tools around their waist and electricians carry tool boxes: everything is right at their fingertips, when they need it, so they don't have to start and stop and interrupt their work flow. Purchase a plastic tote, load it with your streamlined supplies and see what a timesaver it can be.

Tip No. 7: Work from top down and from dry to wet

Starting from crown moldings and ceiling fans and then down to counters, windowsills and light switches will scoot the dust where you're headed anyway: the floor. Always remove dust with a dry microfiber cloth before using vinegar and water (or soap and water) to prevent creating “dust grunge.”

Like many people, you may not like cleaning as much as you like how Chico apartments look after you're done cleaning it. And there's nothing wrong with that. These tips will restore that I-can't-believe-I'm-here gleam to your eye.

For tips on the places in your apartment that you may be glossing over during your cleaning routine, download our Deep Cleaning Checklist! You can easily print it out and stick it to your fridge or place a copy of the list according to the room it lists.