donation boxFrom the awkward hand-me-down furniture your grandma gave you, to the stray pencils in your junk drawer, the unwanted items that don’t make the cut for your new apartment in Chico seem to pile up.

As you stare at the mountain of clothes you own, the overfilled pantry full of canned goods, or the junk piled in the closet, all of those moments where you put off sorting for donations have come back to haunt you. Faced with the task of deciding what stays and what goes for every little thing can be overwhelming during your moving process. And although you may be tempted to take the easy way out, think of the positive impact you create by recycling, disposing, donating or even selling your unwanted items. 

Read below for some creative and responsible ways to get rid of that flower print couch from the 70’s or the six bags of clothes you still have from high school.

Bring Order to the Chaos

As you begin to pack up, it's a good idea to clearly mark and sort your things by type of unwanted item, so that you don’t accidentally move junk to your new apartment in Chico. Keep all trash and recyclables collected near the door for easy outside loading access, and to make sure the mess is contained.

For the rest of your stuff, there are quite a few ways to store and organize the giveaways in your move. Here are some helpful tips on which type of storage to use for certain items:

  • Clothes: If you are thrifty and just planning to donate, heavy duty trash bags work just fine. (If you are storing clothes for a later giveaway, try stackable plastic bins, it will keep them cleaner and more organized).

  • Small household items: Try packing trinkets and smaller items in cardboard boxes, being sure to stack carefully for space and weight. Instead of buying brand-new cardboard boxes, ask around to your friend group, employer, etc. for boxes they might want to get rid of. Chances are they have empty storage boxes in the garage. You could even check online for local companies that give away slightly used moving boxes.

  • Large household items: If you are selling or giving furniture away you might consider storing items in an area close to your front door, so that if you are inviting buyers in for views or if you need to easily move large objects, you don’t have to drag people or items around your apartment. Check out Furniture Banks for a listing of local places that accept furniture.

  • Miscellaneous items: If you are a typical Chico local, and during your move you have come across more reusable bags and totes than you can possibly handle, you may consider using them to pack your donation items as an environmentally friendly storage option that also allows you to downsize.

However you choose to store your items, staying organized will help streamline your move to a Chico apartment. Not only will you have to move less stuff, you won’t end up resorting while you unpack.

For extra tips on how to handle tech clutter during your move, there is tons of helpful information and a walk-through guide at Spruce


Embody the sustainable Chico spirit and be sure to recycle as much trash, materials, and unwanted items as possible during your move. Take your plastic bottles, cans, cardboard, etc. to the local recycling centers. If you are unsure of what can be recycled or where to take it, check out this local Butte County listing on recycling centers and items they accept.

Be creative when it comes to what you consider a recyclable or a trash item. For example, that old junky bike you don’t know how to fix and want to get rid of, chances are it could be sold to a bike shop for parts! Use your imagination to think outside the box, or past your own perception of what is junk. One man’s trash, is another man’s treasure!

Donating to the Community

If you are interested in helping out the local community, you may consider donating non perishable food items, gently used clothing, toys, books, household goods, etc. to a local charity or non-profit organization.

Community Action Agency of Butte County

As an example of a local organization working to improve homelessness and hunger in our community, the Community Action Agency of Butte County accepts donations to help support families across a variety of their services, including the Esplanade House and the North State Food Bank. Check out their donations page for more information on how to help.

Other helpful organizations to check out are:

  • Salvation Army
  • Goodwill
  • Red Cross
  • The Arc of Butte County

Disposing of Undesirables 

However stressed you may be during your moving process, avoid dumping your things in the wrong places for the sake of convenience.

Do you know the rules for what is legally allowed to be put in a dumpster? A trash bin? A recycle bin? From the dumpster experts at Hometown Dumpster Rental we learn that, “Couches, tables, chairs—almost all types of furniture are accepted in dumpsters. However, in some locations, upholstered furniture and mattresses are not allowed in landfills; and in others, you can throw furniture and mattresses in a dumpster, but it can come with additional fees depending on your local area's regulations.”

It's always a best practice to check with your dumpster rental provider before disposing of your home goods, furniture etc. to make sure you are following the rules. Check out this article on dumpster rules to learn more about what you can and can’t dispose of.

For more information and laws, rules, and regulations for disposal, you may consider researching your questions with the Environmental Protection Agency.

Make Some Extra Cash

If you have the time, there are lots of ways to get rid of your things and actually make a profit. Plus, this means you are helping others find goods at discounted costs, and recycling your items to other people rather than throwing them away. With the use of social media, local online trading hubs, and traditional word of mouth, there are many outlets to advertise your "for sale" items.

Covering everything from how to phrase your yard sale signs, to advice from seasoned movers, the helpful writers at offer a creative approach to the “downsize by selling” option during your move. From Reverse Birthdays to Inside Yard Sales, this article offers tons of pro moving tips and insights on how to make your move more enjoyable, productive, and profitable. 

Say Goodbye the Right Way

However you choose to downsize during your move, we hope you choose an option that benefits you, the community, and the environment. There are so many ways NOT to dispose of your items, such as leaving your couch on the sidewalk, throwing items in the dumpster that don’t belong, or leaving trash in non-designated areas.

Be courteous to your current apartment complex and follow the moving out procedures and protocols. Check with your property management company to be sure you are compliant.

We suggest checking out the links in this article for helpful tips on how, where, and what to get rid of. For further tips, check out our additional blog posts on the topic.

Happy Moving!