two girls removing wallpaperRenting an apartment can have its ups and downs. While you don’t have to pay for any needed repairs while you live there, if you want to redecorate your apartment it’s not as simple as picking out paint swatches to find your favorite hue.

Renting a 1 bed apartment in Chico or Redding can come with a list of do’s and don’ts. Your complex would love if you separated your trash from your recyclables, but as a general rule when apartment living, painting is frowned upon and you'll get charged for massive holes in the wall.

Reminder: if you have any questions about the specific rules for your complex, contact your  apartment manager!

Everyone wants to get at least some of their deposit back and avoid having to pay extra fees when moving out. Here's a list of four great decorating alternatives for your 1 bed apartment that don’t require painting or putting little (or big) holes in the walls.

1.  Washi Tape

If you’ve never heard of washi tape then you're missing out! Washi tape is just the thing you need in order to put some style on your walls. It’s tape (much like scotch tape) that comes in all colors and patterns. You can use it to spell out words or frame a photo! The best part about washi tape is that it doesn’t damage your walls when you take it off.

2.  Removable Wallpaper

Did you know that you can purchase peel and stick wallpapers to express yourself? You can find anything from a jungle safari theme to modern day fans of shiplap to nature landscapes. There's even solid colors, making it a great alternative for painting. When it comes time to remove the wallpaper it will leave little to no residue, which equals no damage to the walls in your 1 bed apartment.

3.  Command Strips

Say goodbye to all those little holes in your wall. Command strips allow you to safely attach an item to your wall for however long you want it there. When you're ready to remove it, the command strip can be peeled off the wall without leaving any damage. You can choose from hooks, Velcro, clips, and more!  

4.  Tapestry and Curtains 

There are so many different kinds of tapestries or curtains that can be used to bring color to the walls in your apartment. The best part is that they can be easily applied to your walls via command strips (see #3 above). All you have to do is find the tapestry or curtain that best fits your personality and style.

All of these options are great decorating alternatives to painting or putting holes in the walls of your 1 bed apartment in Chico or Redding. Remember, when you move out your complex manager will go through your apartment with a checklist and mark anything that requires fixing. Therefore, make sure everything is the same as when you walked in.