pros and cons listWell it has finally happened. You are at a standstill with your apartment searching and you can’t decide which complex is best for you. You've found a few that have things that you love about them - but maybe you have a few things that you dislike about them too. How do you get all of these thoughts out of your head to help you make a decision?

It's time to make a pros and cons list. If you're new to making a pros and cons list, then this is the blog for you. If you have made a pros and cons list before, keep reading to see if the way we do it is different than the way that you do it. You might learn something new!


Start by writing down the things that you must have in an apartment complex or rental unit. Everybody’s must-have list will look different, but we should all have one thing on it that is the same: your ideal rent amount.

It's crucial that you get yourself into a rental living situation you can afford. Also keep in mind that the rent may increase while you live there, so it’s good to find a rental that has a monthly rent price that could increase but still fit in your budget.

Now that you have a list of must-have list, it's time to write out the pros and cons of each rental property that meets your criteria. This is where you'll need a sheet of paper for every rental property that's in the running to be your new home. Let’s get the list set up shall we?

  1. Write the name of the property at the top
  2. Draw a line down the middle of the paper
  3. Write PROS on the left side of the line, and CONS on the right side of the line

Let’s start with the things that you like about each of the properties.


This is where you'll write all of the positive aspects for each rental contender. You'll list out every pro that you can think of: pool, washer/dryer in unit, yard, accepts pets, tennis courts, etc. Whatever you think is super nice that each of the properties have, put it down as a pro.


Now that you have the pros of your potential property, it's time to write down the cons. This is where you'll list the negative aspects that you can think of: location, no ceiling fans, no pool, small closets, etc. - anything that you think will negatively impact your rental living situation, write that down in the cons list.

Decision Making Time

You have filled in your lists, and it’s decision making time. Lay each list out in front of you so that you can look at them all at once.

Start with the first property that you made a list for:

  • Circle 3 of the pros that you're most excited about, and one con that is the most negative.
  • Can you live with this negative?
  • Does having these 3 pros outweigh that specific con?
  • Do all of the pros outweigh all of the cons?

If you answered yes to these questions, start a yes, maybe and no pile and put this complex in the yes pile. If you said maybe or no…put them in their respective piles.

Continue to do this for the rest of the properties that you're considering. Once you have lists in piles yes, maybe or no, it’s time to move onto the next step.

Forget about the properties that are in the no pile. The pros don’t outweigh the cons and you can’t waste any more time thinking about those rentals.

Now take your yes and maybe list and imagine yourself in these specific environments:

  • Can you see yourself living there?
  • Can you see yourself being happy there?
  • Imagine your furniture is in place and you're just coming home from work, does it look or feel the way you want it to?

Renter’s remorse is not a good thing to have especially because moving is emotionally draining and financially strenuous. It's important that you can visualize what you hope your rental living space will look like. Good luck!

What will You Find at Hignell Rentals Apartments?

Part of being able to make a pros and cons list is knowing what each apartment complex offers. At Hignell Rentals we've got great news! Our site details amenities and features and shows pictures and video tours for apartment complexes in Chico, Redding and more. 

Hignell Rentals apartments are beautifully maintained and offer online rent payment and maintenance request ability. Many of our complexes offer a sparkling pool and some even have a hot tub! You will also find on site fitness centers and well manicured landscaping that makes a leisurely stroll around the complex feel like you're at the park. To learn more, don't hesitate to search Hignell Rentals for your next apartment today!