cooking at home

Are you looking to reduce your apartment living expenses? Sometimes a few little things make a big difference. It doesn’t take much to cut back on costs. The hardest part is staying consistent with the methods used below. Try it out for a month and you just might see a difference in your bills. The more you apply these money saving suggestions the more you’ll save. Here are 8 ways you can start reducing your monthly expenses with some simple changes.

1. Try Netflix Instead of Cable

Cable is expensive and is an extra apartment living cost many people don’t need. Yes, it’s nice to know you have the ability to flip through hundreds of channels but in reality you may only watch 20-25 of them. Save yourself some money and ditch the cable.

Then get set up with Netflix or Hulu as nowadays they are starting to air things that you can only watch through their platforms. Also try renting from a Red Box when it comes to movie night if you're wanting to see a newer movie that has yet to hit Netflix or Hulu. These alternative media viewing outlets will save you more than you think.

2. Buy Food In Bulk With Roommates

Unless you and your roommate are opposite eaters, a great way to save money monthly is to shop together and buy in bulk. Visit your local Costco or bulk food store and stock up. Small runs to the grocery store throughout the week will increase your gas bill and give you the opportunity to sneak that extra item into the cart that you really don’t need but want. 

3. Cook at Home

Going out to eat is always enjoyable, but if you go often enough the money in your account can start to disappear. Buying in bulk with your roommate can save you money on your grocery bill, but if you eat out more than eating at home it really isn't saving you much. Use these extra tips to help you budget even more when making home cooked meals.

4. Turn The Lights OFF!

This might be one of the oldest tricks to save money. We all heard it from our parents growing up, it went something like this…“TURN THE LIGHTS OFF! YOU’RE WASTING ENERGY!” Turning your lights off when you go to bed or leave the house will help you save a great deal of money monthly. Check to see if all the lights in your bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen are turned off before you leave the house.

5. Energy Efficient Light Bulbs

Do you have outdated light bulbs that suck the cash right out of your pocket when you turn the lights on? Try using some energy efficient light bulbs to save money over the course of the year.

6. The Heater and AC

Do you find yourself forgetting to turn off the AC or Heater when you leave your apartment? Turning off the heater or air conditioner when leaving your apartment can save you an easy $10-$50 a month. Just give the thermostat a glance when you leave.

7. Power Saving Strips 

If you have a few items that need to be plugged in that are in close proximity of each other, try a power strip. You can find these outlets at a place like Home Depot. They consist of 5-6 three prong outlets that source into one plug. Also, remember to take out your phone charger or turn off your computer when you’re not using it. They still draw energy when they're plugged in and not being used.

8. Buy Used

Having a brand new microwave or buying new furniture for your apartment can start to become pricey. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on new items try searching for slightly used stuff. Today everyone is selling appliances, furniture, and clothes that are barely even used at more than half the cost! Checkout Craigslist or Facebook's Marketplace and start saving on the items you need.

Now that you have some ideas of how to save money on your apartment living energy expense, try out a couple of these ideas and see if you notice a change in your monthly energy bill. It’s always hard to change a habit, but when you see your reduced bills it will be well worth it. Give it a shot! See how much you can save this month!