house in heart boxWhen moving into a new place or after being in the same location for awhile, you might feel like you need to refresh your living space in ways that won’t break the bank or challenge your lease agreement. Sometimes just a little bit of TLC and a few updates is all it will take to revive the Chico rental properties where you live.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Deep Clean the Bathroom and Kitchen

This task is as far from enjoyable as you can get, but you will feel so much better when you are finished. The bathroom and kitchen are probably the most used rooms in Chico rental properties for obvious reasons, so it makes sense that they would need a deep cleaning more than just in the spring. To make your bathroom and kitchen sparkle again try:

  • Cleaning the tile grout
  • Wiping walls
  • Wiping baseboards
  • Getting rid of hard water stains in sinks, tubs, and toilets
  • Polishing cabinets

2.  Professionally Clean Your Carpets

Think of how much wear and tear your carpets are susceptible to. Sure they were probably cleaned before you moved in, but that might have been a few years ago. Over time carpets see spills, dirt, and who knows what else. Hiring a professional carpet cleaning company to clean them, or even renting a heavy-duty carpet cleaner for an afternoon, will get the deep down gritty stuff in Chico rental properties and make your living space feel surprisingly fresh again.

3.  Touch up the Walls

Ask your Chico rental properties landlord if they have or know the original color used to paint the inside. If so, great! You can use it to touch up worn areas or give an entire room a fresh coat. If not, or if your landlord really prefers you don’t paint, consider trying a more innovative approach using reusable wallpaper or washi tape to add some fresh pizzazz. If you aren’t the creative type, just adding some new wall hangings or framing new photos will make the atmosphere feel different.

4.  Change the Hardware: Fixtures and Windows

There are reversible upgrades you can make to Chico rental properties that don’t require asking for permission and that you can actually take with you if you move someday. Changing out the hardware, like cabinet handles or knobs, requires only a screwdriver. Installing new light fixtures can take years off a home. Dressing your windows using roman shades, floor-length curtains, or a screen-printed panel to replace ugly plastic blinds can soften up a room and complement your other décor.

5. Add Your Personal Touch  

Whatever makes your living space feel like home, multiply this by ten! Your home is all about you, so the best way to give it some love is to add your personal touch and have what you love inside. It could be something simple like buying 10 of your favorite scented candle so you are sure to always have one in stock to burn. It could be buying fresh flowers to keep on your kitchen table, setting out a fun doormat or welcome sign, or changing out your accent pillows on the sofa to coincide with the season. Maybe it’s just reducing clutter and keeping your space organized so you have a sense of calm as soon as you walk in the door.

The Chico rental properties where you live are your home and should feel that way. You might have to give your living space a little love, but then it will love you back tenfold!

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