Moving can be a hard process, draining both emotionally and physically, but oh so rewarding when completed. You get to live in your beautiful Hignell apartment that you can call home.
Keep reading for tips of how to make your official "move day" a little easier.
Have a Strategy
This might be easier said than done, but it's extremely important if you are wanting to relieve stress not only on the day of the move but everything leading up to it. Having a strategy is even more critical if you won't have the help of professional movers.
Your strategy could look like having a timeline of when you want to have each room packed up, when you need to decide on hiring a moving truck , getting friends to help you, or when you need to clean your old apartment, etc.
Gather the Troops
When you set a moving date, it is polite to give plenty of notice to whoever you'll be asking to help you move. Also keep in mind the time of day you will start moving.
If you live in Chico and are moving on a day that is hot and reaching triple digits, the sooner you can start, the better. But if you are moving in the winter time when the temperatures require a jacket, starting at 6 o’clock in the morning might not be the best time to start.
Pack Ahead of Time
While this may seem like a given, you'd be amazed how common it is for people to still be packing items on moving day. Part of the stress on moving day comes from the feeling of being rushed to finish packing things you had "planed" on doing the day before.
To avoid this common mishap, make a timeline of when you want each room to be fully packed up. This will allow you to not feel like you have to get everything packed the day before you move.
Start with the room you don't use often then go from there! That way when your buddies come on moving day to help load up your boxes you aren't quickly packing up your last minute items (which increases the risk of something breaking).
Gather the Necessities
When you have people moving your belongings from one apartment to your new Hignell Rentals apartment, you have to be prepared to be a host at both locations. Here are a few things that you need to have at one or both locations to ensure you are being the most productive on moving day.
- Water - good all year around, but especially during the hot summer.
- Snacks (like nuts or granola bars)
- Toilet Paper - going to the bathroom is a necessity.
- Trash Bags - for the food!
- Extra Packing Tape - something might rip, better have something to patch it up!
- Scissors - to open up those boxes at your new apartment!
- Soap and Towels - some of those boxes are dirty!
Having these items in one or both locations will keep your helpers happy and healthy. And happy and healthy helpers are productive helpers.
Provide the Reward
It's the unspoken rule that at the end of moving (or middle if a lunch break is needed) the host provides pizza as a thank you for all the hard work everyone has put into helping them move to a new place. If your movers don't like pizza, any kind of take-out will do!
This will ensure, that if you ever have to move again, they are more likely to help you out knowing you'll provide a tasty reward at the end. Pizza is known as the perfect moving food because it doesn't require utensils or even plates, no prep time and the clean up is easy! If you go for take-out instead, make sure you ask for utensils to be provided.
When moving into a new apartment, these tips can help you have less stress and make moving a breeze. For more tips and tricks for apartment searching, moving in/out, or living check us out at HignellRentals.com. We not only have useful resources for you but we have 11 beautiful complexes throughout Chico, Oroville, and Paradise!