girl unpackingWell you’ve done it. You found a new place to live and the moving truck has arrived. It’s now time to unpack all your stuff.

We understand that unpacking can feel like a very overwhelming process when you’re moving into an apartment. You’re probably already exhausted from the process of packing everything up and closing up the loose ends at your former residence!

It's very tempting to just get all the boxes in and unpacked without a method to your madness because you're longing to just feel settled again. It's definitely a way to go, but it can be more stressful when you have no idea where a certain box is or what room it should go in. Instead, we can help you make an unpacking plan that is simple and easy.

Step 1: Do a walk through and visualize

Before you even bring a single box in, do an initial walk through of your new apartment in Chico or Redding. This is your chance to start fresh. It can help to visualize where you see your large items going before you bring them inside. The lamp you had in the living room? Maybe it would look good in your bedroom. There’s no reason why you can’t move things around for a change.

While you’re doing your walk through, take a dust rag with you. Even though it’s been cleaned since the last person moved in, sometimes it feels good to clean your new place yourself and make it feel like your own.

Step 2:  Bring in boxes and furniture

Hopefully when you were packing you took the time to pack by room and label the boxes accordingly. As you bring in the boxes, place the labeled boxes in their corresponding rooms. This way you won’t be looking for the pots and pans and find them in the bedroom.

As anxious as you are to just get everything put away, don’t open the boxes until everything is brought in. As you bring in the furniture take a few extra minutes to arrange it the way you'd like it for now. It can always be rearranged, but having it set up will make your apartment start to feel like home and you'll be able place your items on them!

Step 3:  Start unpacking necessities

Beginning to unpack the most important boxes, one room at a time, will help you start to feel settled in your new home quicker. The boxes for that room are already there (clearly labeled right?) so it should be fairly easy to find the necessities you use most and start unpacking.

  • Bedroom. This is the best place to start. Setting up your bed and putting clean sheets on it will be a welcome invitation at the end of a long day of moving when you're exhausted and just need a comfortable place to collapse.

  • Bathroom. Hanging a few towels, putting up the shower curtain, laying down the rugs, and putting your toiletries away will instantly help it start to feel like your place.

  • Kitchen. Put your dishes away, pots and pans, and any food items you brought over with you since you have to eat and will need these things sooner rather than later.

Step 4: Organize as You Go

You know the saying “a place for everything and everything in its place?” Well, this is a good rule to follow as you unpack. Don’t leave things just sitting around without a home. Find a place to put them to help cut back on move-in clutter.

If there's anything that found its way to your new apartment that you don’t want anymore, put it in a pile to get rid of. Clean up as you go too by breaking down boxes and recycling unwanted packing materials.

Once you’ve done the 4 steps above, take a load off and relax in your new home. Look around and be pleased with what you have accomplished. The rest will be there tomorrow. Apartments in Chico and Redding also offer some great go ahead and head down to the Jacuzzi after working your muscles all day while moving. You deserve it!