Man and woman sitting on couch with packed boxes around themMoving will be so much less stressful and much more successful if you start off strong with your packing. While moving into apartments in Chico California you want to make sure all your prized possessions get transferred to your new place safely and without any chips, dents or scratches.

By the end of this blog you'll have the knowledge to pack with confidence and you can jump into the packing process of moving.

The Right Box Size

It all begins with the perfect box. That’s right, there is a perfect box size. We consider the ideal size to be about 24 inches tall and 30 inches wide so that you can pack a good amount in but still see over the top of it as you walk. You can generally find boxes in good shape at Costco or the back of Walmart or Target stores. You can also try looking on Craigslist under the FREE section. It isn’t necessary to buy boxes when you can find some at no cost.

Labeling Boxes

Label. Everything. There is nothing more frustrating than getting into your new place and having no idea where your forks are when you just want to eat a celebratory meal in your new place. This issue can be solved by doing a few things:

  • Assign a color to each room by labeling the door with said chosen color and then mark the corresponding boxes with a sticker.
  • Make sure to mark what boxes are fragile and should be handled with extra care.
  • Make a spreadsheet that explains what is in each box and associate it with a number. Put that number on the box as well so you will know exactly what boxes are missing (but hopefully you never have to experience that panic).
  • The last boxes you pack are most likely your most important items that you use daily. It would be worth it to buy a couple clear boxes for these last items because those will be your first to use in the new place and you want to see where they are quickly.
  • If you're using a moving truck, try to keep those important items with you in your car just in case something happens to the moving truck. A prepped overnight bag is wise to have as well.

How to Pack a Television

We spend a good amount of money on televisions so we should also spend a good amount of time making sure that it gets from point A to point B safely. If you don’t still have the original packing (because where are you going to store that kind of thing in an apartment?) we have some suggestions for the best TV packing method.

First take a towel or bed sheet and cover the screen. Then take bubble wrap and moving pads and wrap in tape. Build a custom box out of cardboard for your TV since they come in all shapes and sizes. Don’t forget to tape the remote to the back of the TV before you wrap it all up so that it doesn’t get lost in the hustle and bustle.

Furniture with Drawer Handles

If you have any dressers or side tables that have handles sticking out, they are at risk of getting scratched or broken during the moving process. We have a sneaky little trick to make sure they stay in pristine condition. Unscrew the hardware and then place them on the inside of the drawers and re-screw them in. There they will be safe and sound and you won’t lose those tiny screws. You can also fill up drawers with various items.

Packing Fragile Items

Just by changing certain ways you pack things you decrease your likelihood of fragile items breaking while you are moving into apartments in Chico California. Firstly, try to pack plates vertically like records and then cover with bubble wrap. The vertical position helps to put in as many as possible while keeping them safe.

  • For mirrors or pictures, wrap the piece like it is a present with packing paper and/or bubble wrap. Put an X where the glass is and then place vertically in a box and fill the empty surrounding area with crumpled paper.
  • You can always use your extra towels and sheets as protective wrapping as well, especially for your kitchen items in order to double up on packing items.
  • Our one final tip for packing is to pack your stemware upside down because that puts all the pressure on the large rims rather than the more fragile stems. 

Packing and moving doesn’t have to be too difficult so take these tips into consideration!

Now that you are prepped for packing it's time to consider the overall moving process, download our Ultimate Moving Guide before to make sure you don't forget anything!

For more tips and tricks for apartment living and searching check us out at Hignell Rentals. We not only have useful resources for you but we have 11 beautiful complexes throughout Chico as well!