slice_of_watermelon*Updated for 2019*

Downtown Chico always has something to offer, whether it’s shopping to support local business, eating at fabulous restaurants, or attending annual events like Slice of Chico. The Slice of Chico event is a perfect snapshot of living in Chico. This free event happens the second Friday and Saturday of July and is a summer tradition when Downtown Chico businesses invite the community to the downtown sidewalk sale for great shopping, hot prices, and cold slices of free watermelon from ProPacific Fresh.

Slice of Chico - 2019
Saturday, July 13th - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Download the 2019 Slice of Chico Activity Guide

If you're new to Chico – maybe a college student making one more visit before the semester starts; family visiting relatives; or someone who just moved into a rental property nearbythis is what you’d see.

1. Families Spending Time Together 

slice_of_chico_2Everywhere you look you see families. Moms and Dads with young kids who have watermelon juice dripping down their chins. Grandparents treating their grandchildren to ice cream, babies in strollers squealing with delight at everything there is to see. Most importantly, nearly everyone has a smile on their face.


If you want to turn it into an all-day family outing here is what we suggest:

  • Start off with the Saturday Morning Farmer's Market located in the Downtown Chico Municipal Parking Lot on Second St & Wall St.
  • Then head over to the Children’s park to play on swings and ride down the slide.
  • Finish the outing off with a fresh slice of watermelon while browsing the sales for a fun find.

2. Our Local Businesses Shining

It’s great to see just about all of the businesses in Downtown Chico participating in the event. This year twenty-three of our small business are part of the event; whether they are shops offering a sale, shops doing a giveaway contest, or restaurants serving watermelon flavored drinks!

Chico has the best shopping when it comes to our small businesses downtown. They each have their own personality and offer unique gifts and services you just can’t find anywhere else. There's no doubt they do all they can to keep their doors open and do so because they're a part of something they love. It’s nice to see the community supporting its local merchants.

Our little downtown continues to grow with each new shop and restaurant opening up, continuing to add to the Chico charm that keeps people coming back year after year.

3. Simplicity of Living

Living in Chico is simple. Some might see it as boring, but if you’ve lived here long enough you know it’s about backyard barbecues, local events, and smiling just because you’re eating a piece of watermelon and running into friends on every block. As you walk the streets observing Slice of Chico you feel a sense of community.

If you're searching for a place to call home check out these Chico rental properties to see if one might be a good fit for you.