Older_Gentleman_Holding_Vegetables_at_Farmers_MarketWhen you're living in Chico, you're lucky to have the opportunity to experience the wonderful culture that our town has to offer. Springtime is here and we're ready to start spending time outside in Downtown Chico.

Downtown Chico is a great place to take your family on a gorgeous sunny day. But what is there to do beyond going shopping at the locally owned businesses? Guess what? The Thursday Night Market is back in town and ready to give you entertainment, good food and great company!

There are so many fun things to do for the whole family that you'll want to go every week. Below is a blurb about the popular market that is found on the Downtown Chico Business Association website.  


Thursdays,  May - September , 6 p.m. ~ 9 p.m.
Downtown Chico

Explore Downtown Chico's Thursday Night Market on Broadway between 2nd and 4th Street, including side streets and the fabulous City Plaza! This festive, weekly market is a ton of fun and features a bounty of farm-fresh produce from CDFA certified farmers, mouth-watering prepared foods from food trucks, booths and Downtown restaurants, handmade, local arts & crafts, and singer songwriter entertainment for all ages.

  • Streets lined with 100+ vendors
  • New Art Block featuring local artists that range from students to long-practicing professionals of their craft!
  • Local talent showcased each week from comedians, to artists to local singer songwriters
  • Authentic crafts and artwork and handmade clothing and jewelry
  • Fun for kids with balloon-twisting clowns, fountains in the plaza, and other activities
  • Personal services, community based organizations, and not for profits
  • Rain or shine event
  • Downtown shops and restaurants open late and ready to serve

To learn more about this beloved event and for exact start and end dates click here

Check it out this Thursday night - you'll be glad that you did! If you're interested in learning more about local events, restaurants and more things to do in Chico, Redding and the North Valley, click below.