House_made_out_of_moneyThis blog is dedicated to all those apartment renters who don’t have renter’s insurance. You shouldn’t wait another day to get covered. The staff at Hignell Rentals wants all of our residents to know the basics of renter’s insurance and to encourage them to buy some. Here are just a few reasons why you should buy renter’s insurance today.

You Are Covered

Have you ever wondered who would help you pay for replacing your belongings if there was a fire in your apartment? Whether or not you caused the fire, you are responsible for replacing your own belongings. Renter's insurance helps you replace the items damaged from fire, lightning or windstorm, theft and more. For a small price each month, you get to choose the type of coverage you want to buy and you'll have the peace of mind knowing that in case of an emergency, you won’t be left alone to take care of business.

Note: Depending on the type of Renter's Insurance you choose, it can also cover belongings inside your car!

It’s Affordable

The average cost of renter’s insurance is $15-$30 a month. This gives you good coverage not only to replace your own belongings but gives you liability coverage if you were the reason why there was damage or loss to somebody else’s property. Take a look at your monthly budget and choose which expense you can take out so that you are able to afford $15 dollars a month.

It’s Easy

There are several different insurance agencies that can sell renter’s insurance to you. There are AAA, Geico and Allstate just to name a few. The process is rather easy and coverage for your apartment can be a phone call away. An agent will ask you basic questions, you will make an initial payment and boom! You are covered.

Now that we have reviewed why having renter’s insurance is the best purchase you will make today, it is time for you to do it. Get a few quotes from different places online, and make the call. Do it. Do it now.

Still want a little more information about Renter's Insurance? Download our Renter's Insurance 101 and learn about the two major types of policies and what you need to do before your purchase one!