rain against windowWhether it's raining or you're under the weather, outside activities are crossed off the list. Making you stuck at home staring out the window, or does it?

If you're stuck inside your apartment in Chico or Redding, we have some ideas for you to bide the time. 

If You Want To Be Productive…

If you’re bad at being sick, meaning you refuse to actually acknowledge you’re sick and need to feel like you’re accomplishing something, start organizing. This is a great time to clean out your closet, go through old photos, sort the mail, or just re-organize the kitchen cupboards to be more efficient. Organize your to-do list by energy level to help you get things done while feeling under the weather or stuck inside because of bad weather.

SEE ALSO: Not-So-Ordinary Organizing Ideas for Apartments in Chico California

If You Have Ants In Your Pants…

If you just can’t sit still and are itching to be active, head on down to the fitness room at your apartment complex. Getting your heart rate up and feeling the burn will help you relax and calm down a little bit.

If you’re feeling up to it, venture out and take a run in the rain. A little water never hurt anyone (unless you're sick - then give your body a rest and take a nap).

You could also check the clubhouse schedule to see if there's anything exciting happening, like a game night or other social event. Not only would it help your mind be active, but you could get to know others in your complex too. 

SEE ALSO: 3 Ways to Meet People in Your Apartment Complex

If You Just Really Need To Be Out Of The House...

If you aren't sick, staying inside can get a little old. If you want out of the house but still want to be "inside," see if there are any good movies showing at Cinemark.

More of a fan of the live theater shows? Check out what's showing at Chico Performances or the Cascade Theatre in Redding.

Try some good old fashion bowling in Redding or in Chico. Visit FunLand in Chico one evening this week or on a Saturday and see how many times you can skate around the rink without falling. If the weather is just overcast or cloudy you can even get in a round of mini golf or take your best shot at the batting cages!

If You Need A Change…

If you just need a break from reality or are feeling the itch to make a change in your life, use this time to reflect. Give yourself honest answers to questions like:

  • Do you need a career change?
  • Are you happy in your relationships?
  • Do you need a change of scenery?

We can help with that last bullet. Maybe you’ve outgrown your current residence or are in a position to upgrade. We offer apartments in Chico, Redding and throughout Northern California for just about any personality, depending on your likes, wants and needs. 

If you’re under the weather or just enduring the wet weather, it won’t last forever, but you can make the most of your time inside.