helpful hints on cork boardRental living can have its perks but it can also have its challenges. That is the exact reason why we try to provide as many resources to help people get the most out of living in a rental. Here are 3 tips to using our Hignell Rentals website to get the most out your rental experience.

Subscribe to Our Blog

Want a quick and easy read to learn about rental searching or rental living? We write new content on our blog every week with your needs in mind. You will find everything from how-to’s on properly cleaning your rental to decorating your place. We love providing tips and tricks on how to make your home feel like home and a place where you enjoy being.

Our blog is full of ideas and helpful tips to make searching, moving, and living in a rental that much easier!

Download Our Free Resources

Have a specific need or something that you would like to learn about rental searching or rental living or rental move-in/move-out? Check out our resources page. We have free eBooks that take less than 2 minutes each to download. Once you download the eBook, save it to your computer so that you have it forever and can access it whenever you would like! Some of our eBooks include tips for moving, packing, and even how to apply to a rental today! Start downloading today and begin to answer questions you didn't even know you had. 

View the Good Eats List

Need a few ideas for dinner? Then head on over to our restaurant list. We have a list of wonderful local restaurants that you will enjoy in Chico, Redding, and Red Bluff areas. This isn’t a complete list but it is a great start to get out of the restaurant rut that we all have the habit of getting in. Whether it be breakfast, lunch, dinner, or dessert you will find great places to eat.

Now is the time to get to downloading and get to subscribing. Check out our restaurant list, free resources, and our blog. We are here for you at Hignell Rentals, so if you have any questions please let us know!