Thanksgiving in your Chico ApartmentSo, you decided to host a few friends at your apartment for Thanksgiving, huh? No big deal, you'll make the turkey, they'll bring some sides and keep it low key. 

But wait - SURPRISE! Mom and Dad have decided to visit you for Thanksgiving and they’re bringing Grandma too. All of a sudden your simple Thanksgiving dinner has turned into an all out party. So, how do you host Thanksgiving dinner in a small living space?

Go Potluck Style

There is no reason others can’t share the cooking with you. Since most apartments in Chico or Redding California don’t have the luxury of double ovens, large refrigerators and extra counter space, you just can’t do it all yourself. First create the menu you’d like to have - maybe even try some new recipes. Next, have guests sign up to bring a dish, or assign them yourself! You can use online potluck planning tools like Perfect Potluck and SignUpGenius to organize everything and make sure all the major dishes are accounted for.

Do What You Can Ahead of Time

Since you’re planning your menu in advance anyway, take an extra few minutes to make a list of what you can do ahead of time. Apple pie freezes well. Green bean casserole and cranberry sauce will keep in the fridge at least overnight. You can set the table the night before and make sure the house is clean and uncluttered too.

Don’t Get Lost in the Details

As the host you’ll want everything in your apartments in Chico or Redding California to be perfect, but try to be flexible and as easy going as possible. It’s okay if dinner isn’t ready by 1 p.m. on the dot or you have to rearrange your furniture to make room for an extra table. If your friend decided to bring her boyfriend without tell you or the kids there spill their plates of sweet potatoes, no big deal. You can add an extra chair to the table and sweet potatoes will clean up with a rag and some carpet cleaner. Having a flexible mindset will help you enjoy yourself more and go with the flow.

Plan Some Activities

Once you’re up and the turkey is in the oven, time is on your side. Since you’ve already prepped and decorated ahead of time, it’s time to entertain and you can participate too. Whether your dinner guests arrive early or you have houseguests staying overnight there is plenty to do at apartments in Chico or Redding California. Suggest getting a game of touch football going on the lawn. If you live near a walking path or the park, take a nature walk or a leisurely walk around the complex. If the weather is forecasting rain check with your apartment manager ahead of time to see if you can get the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade or a football game on in the clubhouse. 

Be Thankful

Once all the drinks are poured and everyone is silent because their mouths are full of the delicious Thanksgiving meal, take a moment or two to go around the table and have everyone share what they’re thankful for. You’ll realize that even though your dream to host didn’t exactly look the way you pictured it, you can still have the perfect Thanksgiving in your apartment in Chico or Redding California. 


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