[Updated for 2016]

Calling all Chicoans! It's almost time for one of our biggest events in town, Taste of Chico. Who else is excited to walk around downtown, chat with friends and soak in the sunshine all while tasting local eats? Keep on reading to get all the details you'll need to prepare for this year’s Taste of Chico.


When and Where Will it Be?

Taste of Chico 2016 is on Sunday, September 25th from Noon to 4 p.m. This event is held downtown at the plaza and on the surrounding streets.

What to Expect?

This event is so massive that the Downtown Chico Business Association closes down the streets of downtown Chico to host this wonderful event. Never been to Taste of Chico before? Here is a little excerpt from the DCBA event page:

For more than 30 years, Taste of Chico has showcased the finest restaurants, caterers, breweries, wineries and non-alcoholic beverage distributors from throughout the North State. And food trucks, too! Participants are treated to fabulous fare while they roam the downtown streets taking in shopping, entertainment, arts and culture. Three main stages host continuous live music, while the "Open Air Art Gallery" proudly showcases the work of dozens of local fine artists. Hands down, Northern California's premier Food & Beverage Festival!

For the full description, visit the official Downtown Chico Business Association website by clicking here.

What Should You Bring?

Sunscreen, water bottle, empty stomach, your I.D. if you're drinking alcohol, comfortable shoes and light clothes. You'll be outside for the whole event so bring whatever you need to stay cool.

Ticket Information

You should buy your tickets ahead of time to save some money. You have three different ticket options that you can purchase. Below is basic information so you can get an idea of what prices to expect when you purchase your tickets.


If you want to learn more about the different ticket options or to purchase your tickets online now, click here. If you're planning on purchasing your tickets at the event, look for the information booth!

Here at Living in Chico, we like to keep everybody informed about local Chico events because we want you to have as much fun as we do in our town. Check out our website to learn more about other upcoming events. 
