fall decorWhen you're looking around your apartment, do you see all the summer decor you set out a few months back? With school back in session and the leaves just slowly falling here and there it's pretty safe to start getting your apartment officially ready for the fall season. 

It may seem a little too soon since the weather dropped below 80 for the first time in several months over the weekend, but Wednesday is the first official day of fall so we are here to help! Check out these quick tips to decorate for fall in Chico or Redding rental properties. 

Changing Colors

If you are wanting to decorate for the season then buy flowers that are warms colors. Brown, orange, yellow or red are considered warm fall colors. A great way to add color and life to any room is to have live flowers. Add a vase with flowers to your dining room table, next to your sofa, or even in the bathroom when you are expecting guests. Another way to incorporate color to Redding or Chico rental properties, is to buy pillows, candles and other accent pieces that are those warm colors. This way you can easily give attention to detail in your home while preparing for the fall season.

Fall Cleaning

Spring cleaning gets the most attention but it is important for you to do your fall cleaning as well. Take the time to de-clutter any areas of your home that need attention and that would potentially make your house unpresentable if you had guests. You need your Chico and Redding rental properties to be clean and ready for guests at a last minute's notice right? After that, move to your closets. Pack up any summer clothing that you know you won't wear during the fall and winter seasons to free up sale for your jackets, sweaters, etc. 

Incorporate Throws on Furniture

If you live in an area where the temperature outside drops to freezing, or if you prefer to get cozy while binge watching Netflix, think about buying a throw that is a warm color. If you want to sip on a glass of apple cider or play a game of charades, your guests will enjoy having the option of crawling under a blanket. And it will match the rest of your space as well!

Add Mood Lighting

Do you have an end table that is bare and needs some flare? Adding candles or lamps can make a space seem warmer for the fall months. Now that the sun might be disappearing soon behind clouds you will be less likely to open your curtains or shades. So extra lighting is always a good way to help a room become more inviting.

Prepare for a Wet Fall/Winter

This is important not only for yourself but for guests as well. When your guests come over and it happens to be raining outside, there should be a place where you can put their wet coats, umbrellas and shoes so they don’t land on your furniture. Clean out a closet near the entry way to house these wet belongings. If you have laminate or hard wood floors, it's good for you to have a festive rug to help prevent any slipping hazards.

Now that the fall season is around the corner, head to the store and get your decorating groove on so that you can enjoy the fall season before you blink and poof it’s gone!

Don’t like the apartment you live in enough to decorate? Check out our Chico rental properties below. We have beautiful apartments that you can call home and love enough to decorate and host your next get together.