replacing cabinet hardware_134206397Rental living often means that you're stuck with neutral, boring, rental grade features in your home. Sure, there’s nothing wrong with plain, but sometimes you want a little bit of flair in your home to make it feel like yours.

Here are some reversible upgrades you can do to spice up your rental that may be temporary but will make you feel like you’re there to stay. All you need is some tools and determination.

Cabinet Handles and Knobs

This will only work if you live in a rental that already has handles and knobs on the cabinets and drawers – you don’t want to go around drilling holes in things – but if they do, you can replace them with a different shape, style or something more colorful. Here’s a tutorial for replacing cabinet hardware. Don’t forget the holes of the new hardware should match the holes of the old hardware! You'll also want to keep the old hardware in a little bag in your kitchen so you can switch them back when you move out.

Lighting Fixtures

Many rental properties in Chico and Redding probably have the standard globe light fixtures in every room. These can be easily taken down and replaced with something more your style to fit the décor of your home. You can find inexpensive, yet trendy light fixtures just about anywhere. It might even be fun to check out some antiques stores too. Again, make sure that you keep whatever fixture you are replacing so that you can switch it back when its time to move out. 


Blinds that are old, bent and stained can make an entire room feel shabby. If your property manager decided not to replace these when you moved in you may need to take matters into your own hands.

You could take them down and replace them with something else, but keep in mind that the old blinds will need to go back when you move out. Replacing blinds can get expensive too, so unless you plan on being there for awhile, you could also try to dress the blinds up with a fun window treatment or curtains instead. This is an easy, inexpensive fix that just needs a rod and some pre-made curtains from your nearest home improvement store.

Wall/Hardware accessories

Paper towel holders, hooks in the bathroom or entry way, toilet paper holders, even light switch plates are all things that can be easily changed, then reversed back before you move out. Most property managers who have Chico or Redding rental properties won’t allow you to put up wallpaper, but you could try removable wallpaper or wall decals to add something extra.

SEE ALSO: Unique Ideas for Your White Walls Living in Chico Rental Properties

Painting and Carpet – with Permission!

While it’s a fairly standard practice that you aren’t allowed to paint or change the carpet in rental properties, it never hurts to ask! Sometimes property managers will allow you to change the interior in a more permanent way if they can have prior approval

A Few Final Tips

Remember, the whole goal of these upgrades is to make sure they’re reversible. You want to be able to put things back the way they were when it’s time for you to move out. Take photos of the way things were originally before upgrading. Consider documenting the process of un-doing something step-by-step, so you have something to refer to when you put them back up. Double and triple check that you have saved all of the original materials and stored them in a safe place.

These are just a few ways to bring out your own personality and make your rental living space feel more like home!