Chico VolunteerWe all get so caught up in our daily lives: work, school, laundry, binge-watching TV series on know, the important stuff. It's easy to forget that in Chico, we are all part of a community that thrives on interaction and helping one another.

If volunteer work isn't already part of your life, it's hard to know where or how to start. So we're going to make it easy. This month, just try volunteering for something. It can be a single day, even just a few hours, but make a commitment to put it on your calendar and give it a try. You might find that you get just as much out of it as those that you're helping.

Below we have highlighted some local volunteer opportunities in the Chico area. Check them out and see what feels like a good fit for you. 

The Jesus Center

The amazing staff and volunteers at the Jesus Center help provide safe housing for those without a place to stay. They also offer vocational training to help provide new opportunites and stability to those that need support. The Jesus Center is always looking for volunteers. Opportunites range from one-time events to weekly and monthly commitments. Check out their volunteer page to find out about current needs.

Community Action Agency of Butte County (CAA)

The Community Action Agency of Butte County has been providing help for families in need for over 50 years. They have volunteer opportunities for a broad range of interests including: 

  • Working in their Food Bank warehouse or at tailgate food distributions;
  • Working with families and children at the Esplanade House through teaching life skills classes, reading to children, tutoring, mentoring, etc;
  • Basic maintenance, painting, gardening, etc. at the Esplanade House
  • Office/clerical operations

Habitat for Humanity

Relying almost entirely on volunteer labor for construction projects, the Habitat for Humanity of Butte County builds housing for those in need. There are a lot of ways to get involved with Habitat for Humanity

Volunteer Match

If you want to look over a wide variety of volunteer options in Butte County, offers several interesting options. Current available options include:

  • Help and Adult Learn to Read
  • Become an Animal Foster Parent

Regardless of where you want to invest your volunteer time, you will be helping to build a better community and learning a lot in the process. Volunteering is a great way to meet people and to feel more grounded in the area where you live. Helping some one else tends to put our own problems into perspective. We can appreciate what we have and feel the value of giving a little back.

After you've spent some time volunteering, check out our North State Living page for other fun activities or events that are happening in Chico. Maybe you're looking for a place to eat lunch after you volunteer? Our North State Living page also has lists of good Chico eats!