Living_in_Chico_Vote_for_Best_of_ChicoIt's that time of year again folks! Every year the Chico News and Review holds a ballot to find out what Chicoans think is Best of Chico. If you haven’t voted before and are living in Chico (or even if you aren't but used to!), then here's how it works.

Hop Online

Go to the CN&R website to find your ballot. You will be asked to either create a CN&R login and sign in or to login with your Facebook. This is to verify each person only votes once.

What It Looks Like

After you login, there will be 6 sections that you vote for:

  1. Food & Drink
  2. Goods & Services
  3. Health & Wellness
  4. Miscellaneous
  5. Nightlife & The Arts
  6. Your Words

Under each section you will find categories that you will choose to vote for. Do you have a favorite lunch spot or place to enjoy a glass of wine? Well now is the time to show your appreciation to your favorites while living in Chico. If you don’t think you have time to sit down and vote for every section at once, you can add or change your ballet as many times as you want until the deadline.

When do you vote?

Voting is going on now! Cast your Best of Chico ballot to have your voice be heard. Hurry because voting closes September 15th at 11:59 pm. Let your friends and family who are living in Chico know that the Best of Chico voting is going on and they only have a few more weeks left until time is up.

Why should you vote?

Well aside from the obvious showing your love for your favorite Chico spots, you can win a fancy bike! Every voter who is 18 years of age and older, a resident of Butte, Tehama or Glenn County and also voted for at least 10 categories is automatically entered the grand-prize drawing of a hybrid electric bicycle from Red Mountain Green Cycle worth $1,200. Doesn’t that sound like a good enough reason to participate?

Before you vote for best of Chico, check out We make apartment searching easier by providing a convenient map of Chico that locates our properties, a blog on apartment living, video tours of our complexes and more. And remember to vote for Best of Chico!

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