Wow summer is slowly coming to an end but Chico is still busy with events! Bust out your calendars and pencil in these fun upcoming events that everybody who is living in Chico should attend.
Chico Palio
Chico Palio is on September 6th from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Bidwell Park One Mile and Sycamore Field, You'lll find food, activities, art performances, the Palio race and more! This family fun event kicks off Artober Fest. The Artober Fest is an annual 31-day festival in the month of October that features over 100 events that displays and shows off the local artistic talent that we have.
Chico World Music Festival
Head down to Chico State University on September 13th to appreciate music. The Chico World Music Festival is an annual event and there will be free art classes, crafts for kids, and international food booths. So grab your family and head down to Chico State from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. for this all day free event!
Taste of Chico
Taste of Chico is on September 14th from Noon – 4 p.m. in Downtown Chico. Bring your appetite and your adventurous side to try out new cuisine that is offered here in Chico! There will be food, drinks, a kid zone and more to satisfy your taste buds. Buy your ticket ahead of time to save a few dollars, but tickets will be sold the day of the event. Who wouldn’t want to walk around the streets of downtown while eating delicious food?
Thursday Night Market
Have you had your fill of this fun weekly event? If not then make sure you get downtown because the season of the Thursday Night Market is almost over! Come enjoy the free entertainment, visit the booths where you can buy local art, taste local food and more.
Creating Caring Communities Event
If you live at a Living in Chico property that has a Caring Communities Team then you are in luck! Each complex puts on weekly events that gives residents the opportunity to nurture their relationships with their neighbors and management. If you live at Amanda Place, we gained a new Caring Communities Team and their first event is September 15th at 7 p.m. Residents can enjoy the dessert and coffee bar and socialize with other residents.
While you are enjoying these fun and local events, check out We have a calendar of events, video tours of our complexes, blogs on apartment living and more! Living in Chico likes to make not only your apartment searching funner, but also your life!
If you're searching for apartments in Chico California, check out apartment comparison chart below to find one that meets all your needs.
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