July & August Events in ChicoThe months of July and August are when it starts to really get hot here in Chico, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t enjoy all there is to offer. Make sure you find ways to celebrate all this summer whether it’s in the form of a free concert, watermelon slices, or getting the gang together for an outdoor movie.

We’ve pulled together a collection of events in Chico, and if you are a resident of a Living in Chico property, there are a select group of exclusive events at the bottom of this post just for you that have been set up by your Creating Caring Communities Team! Go forth and enjoy.


July – August Events in Chico

Thursday Night Markets
April 5th– Sept. 27th, 6-9pm
Explore Downtown Chico's Thursday Night Market on Broadway between 2nd and 5th Street, including side streets and the fabulous City Plaza!

Friday Night Concerts
May 4th- Sept. 7th, 7 - 8:30 PM
Free live music on Friday nights! This event is in City Plaza in downtown Chico on Broadway between 4th and 5th St.

Slice of Chico
July 13th-14th, 9am-5pm
It’s that time of year again! Come downtown for a family-friendly, fun-filled day exploring all of our shops and eateries. You’ll find yourself immersed in cold slices of watermelon and discounted prices in various stores. 

Movies in the Park: “Despicable Me 3”
July 14th, at dusk (approx. 8:45 PM)
Sycamore Field in Lower Bidwell Park, next to Caper Acres Playground (Google Map). Bring a blanket and a friend to enjoy a movie under the stars. The warm Chico nights make this a popular event.

Sierra Nevada Big Room Concerts
One of the premiere music venues in Chico, Sierra Nevada Brewery hosts a wide variety of talented musicians in their Big Room venue. Here are some highlights from the July – August calendar.

July 9th: Drei Deutsche
July 17th: Bob Schneider
August 13th: Wild Child
August 21st: Amanda Shires w/ Lilly Hiatt
August 28th: The Mother Hips 

Car Show
August 18th, 10am-4pm
The Chico Concours d’Elegance is Butte County California’s premier annual car show. Join us for a full day of music, friendship, entertainment, and beautiful automobiles in the parl-like atmosphere of Butte Creek Country Club.


July Events Exclusively for Residents:

1661 Forest Ave Residents

  • Every Wednesday in July: Continental Breakfast, enjoy a muffin, some yogurt, or fruit while checking out the morning headlines and chatting with your neighbors.
  • July 10th@ 6pm: Meet at the clubhouse and pool area for our Summer BBQ, enjoy a burger and catch up with your neighbors!
  • July 19th@ 7-8pm: Be sure to look for us driving around the complex in our “Ice Cream Truck” aka the golf cart, we’d love to say hi and give you free ice cream!
  • July 26th@ 5:30pm: Back by popular demand, we are starting up Meet Your Neighbor Dinners again. This month we will be starting with apartments 1-32.
  • July 30th@ 7pm: Hope to see you at the pool for a refreshing Italian soda

Almond Grove Residents

  • July 11th@ 6pm: Join us in the clubhouse for delicious Italian Sodas and Strawberry Shortcake.
  • July 20th@ 6pm: Meet us at the clubhouse and pool area for our Summer BBQ and save yourself the hassle of cooking on a Friday night!
  • July 21st@ 8am: Come down to the clubhouse for a Pancake Breakfast!

Amanda Place Residents

  • Every Wednesday in July: Continental Breakfast, enjoy a muffin, some yogurt, or fruit while checking out the morning headlines and chatting with your neighbors.
  • July 7th, 9am: French Toast Breakfast in the clubhouse
  • July 11th@ 6pm: Meet Your Neighbor Dinner for apartments 97-128 in the clubhouse, the dinner will be Italian.
  • July 25th@ 6:30-7:30pm: Be sure to look for us driving around the complex in our “Ice Cream Truck” aka the golf cart, we’d love to say hi and give you free ice cream! 

Lassen Villa Residents

  • July 18th@ 6pm: Meet at the clubhouse and pool area for our Summer BBQ of hot dogs and yummy toppings.
  • July 22nd@ 7-8pm: Be sure to look for us driving around the complex in our “Ice Cream Truck” aka the golf cart, we’d love to say hi and give you free ice cream!
  • July 28th@ 9:30am: We will be serving a continental style breakfast out on the large lawn area across from the clubhouse, come join us! 

Sheridan Square Residents

  • July 14th@ 7pm: Ice cream floats in the clubhouse!
  • July 24th@7pm: Join us in the clubhouse for a movie night. We will be watching the family friendly movie “The Sandlot” and serving lots of yummy snack.
  • July 25th: Continental Breakfast and Donut Days in the clubhouse

Sterling Oaks Residents

  • Every Wednesday in July: Continental Breakfast, enjoy a muffin, some yogurt, or fruit while checking out the morning headlines and chatting with your neighbors.
  • July 11th@ 5:30pm: Meet at the clubhouse and pool area for our Summer BBQ pulled pork dinner!
  • July 17th@ 5:30pm: Meet Your Neighbor Dinner starts again; this month dinner will be in the clubhouse for buildings 1-2 and 12-13.

Train Station Residents

  • July 10th@ 7pm: Grab a free popsicle from us at the pool, stay and chat or grab and go!
  • July 21st@ 9am: Our monthly Saturday Breakfast in the clubhouse.
  • July 27th@ 8pm: Join us at the tennis courts for S’mores and a movie! S’mores start at 8pm while the family friendly movie “Coco” starts at 8:30pm on our new 16” inflatable movie screen.

Tuscan Villa Residents

  • July 14th@ 9am: Join us for a simple cereal breakfast at the clubhouse to kick off your weekend right!
  • July 25th@ 6pm: Join us for our 2ndBBQ of the Summer, we will also be giving away some great raffle prizes!


August Events have yet to be scheduled for Living in Chico apartment complexes. Make sure to check out the calendar when it starts getting closer to August to see what they have in store for you!

Looking for other ways to enjoy your summer? Download our Funner Than The Phonebook Directory and see what else Chico has to offer you. 
