All of these amenities are a blast to use every summer, especially when they stay nice and clean all summer long. Help keep Hignell Rentals amenities and the areas around them a place that allows everyone to enjoy them to their fullest potential! Here's some etiquette you should follow when using one of our recreation amenities this summer.
Each of our complexes has an amazing clubhouse for our residents to use. From playing a game of pool or 8-ball to watching a movie or scheduled program with friends to renting the place out for an event. We want you and everyone else to see it as an open place to use. There are specific rules for the clubhouse that you can read about in clubhouse rules, but here are some etiquette basics you should practice:
It can get really hot in Chico, so having a pool within a short walk is a major benefit when living in Hignell Rentals. In order to keep the place at its best here are all the pool rules along with some common pool etiquette practices one should take when basking in the joy of hanging around the pool area.
No need to pay for a gym membership this summer because some of our apartment complexes have their very own fitness center. This way you can keep your exercise regimen up or get started on sculpting your summer bod. Follow these simple etiquette guidelines and not only will you be able to enjoy your gym time but so will everyone else.
The nicer the weather the more people tend to use the BBQ to cook meals instead of their oven in order to keep the apartment cool. After cooking on the BBQ why not take a blanket and have a picnic on our lawns! If you decide to do this, please keep in mind:
No matter which sport you're playing, be it volleyball, tennis, or basketball, be mindful of:
If you're looking for a Hignell Rentals apartment that has certain amenities over others make sure to check the DETAILS of the apartment complex and its amenities will be listed!