People standing by a poolEverybody loves the pool. When summer temperatures can spike well over one-hundred degrees, apartment living with pools are is in high demand. 

Swimming is a great way to beat the heat without breaking the bank on your air conditioning bill. Apartment living in a diverse community means that people may have different expectations for behavior in and around the pool.  We have all had good and bad pool experiences. Here are some general etiquette tips for making sure everyone has a good time. 

Appropriate Swimming Attire 

Before anyone asks, yes swimsuits are required. Clothing is not optional here, it’s mandatory. In general G-strings and speedos are also discouraged. You want everyone to feel comfortable. The little ones who are still in diapers need to wear a designated waterproof swim diaper and it should be checked often for any “contents”.   

Know the Rules 

Each property may have its own set of rules. Read the posted signs around the pool and check with your property manager for any questions. Here’s a list of general pool rules for Chico apartment living with pools. 

Share the Space 

Be a good community member. Respect the facility and the other swimmers. Don’t crowd people or splash folks trying to relax and have a mellow afternoon. If you bring children, please keep an eye on them and make sure they are following the rules. Anyone under 14 years old must be accompanied by an adult. Don’t monopolize the pool with oversize flotation devices. Save your giant inflatable swan for the lake. Pets are not allowed in pool areas. Limit guests to 2 per apartment with residents present. You can play music around the pool at a reasonable volume, but it needs to be appropriate for everyone. Check with the other residents before firing up your boombox. 


Shower before swimming, even though you are in your bathing suit, this is not your bathtub. Make sure that suntan lotion and oils are fully absorbed and dry before getting in the water. This not only helps them be more effective in protecting your skin but also keeps excessive amounts of lotion from getting into the pool. No one likes to see an oil slick on top of the water when they go for a dip. Don’t pee in the pool. One study shows 64% of Americans admitted to peeing in the pool or ocean. For our own sanity we're going to hope that 63% of that figure was in the ocean. Either way, it’s gross, don’t do it.  

Keep your germs to yourself – don’t swim when you are really sick, have rashes, or open wounds. If you have cleverly disguised your wound with a Band-Aid, that doesn’t cut it. We all know that thing is going to fall off the moment you get in the pool and come floating past us. Chlorine does not kill everything and recreational water illnesses (RWIs) are on the rise. The CDC has more information on RWIs and how to avoid them here 


Your Mom has been yelling at you since childhood for it and the rule still applies NO RUNNING around the pool. It can be wet and slippery and sooner or later someone is going to get hurt. No glass is allowed around pools anywhere. If broken glass gets into the pool it’s impossible to see and the entire pool will have to be drained and cleaned, which means your pool party is over. Don’t roughhouse in and around the pool, no dunking people or pushing others into the water. Keep an eye on the other swimmers especially children in case someone needs assistance. 

No Smoking or Alcohol 

This one should be obvious, but you can’t smoke and drink around the apartment pool.  Alcohol should only be consumed in your own apartment by those 21 and over. Drinking and swimming don’t mix well. Swimming while intoxicated puts you and other swimmers at risk. 


Usually there are appropriate eating areas around but not right next to the pool. If you have been eating a bag of Cheetos, don’t even think about hopping in the pool with those orange fingers. Don’t leave wrappers and garbage around. Wait 30 minutes after eating before getting back into the pool. NEVER eat while in the pool. If you drop your Baby Ruth while lounging in the shallow end, there is going to be widespread panic. No Caddyshack moments, please.  


When it comes to etiquette at apartments with pools, common sense prevails. Be safe and have fun! Respect the facility and the other swimmers. Pool time is a great opportunity to get to know your neighbors and build community. For more great tips on apartment living check out our rental resource page!