ants crawling on kitchen sinkWhen bugs show up in your home you tend to get hyper-focused on them and each one you see annoys you even more. You might even feel like they are taking over your world - your small, cozy, comfortable world - and you just want them to go away. 

Unfortunately apartment living isn't immune to occasional bug problems. So what can be done to battle the bugs and let you focus on enjoying your apartment instead?

The first thing to remember is that when you have ants in your pantry, flies at your dinner table or spiders in your closets, it’s not because you’re a bad housekeeper or a dirty person. These are common creatures that find their way into apartments everywhere, some of them year-round. There are things you can do to prevent them and deal with them when they feel like they’re invading.

The Ants Go Marching One by One…

When you find ants in your kitchen or bathroom you may want to go in armed with a can of Raid, Lysol or Windex. But you probably don't want Raid anywhere near your food items, and Lysol and Windex don’t necessarily get rid of the ants. So what are some ways to get rid of the little buggers without creating a toxic environment?

You’ll want to determine the types of ants that are making their way into your apartment. Carpenter ants feast on wood, while most ants are attracted into your territory by a food source. Usually something that is sugary and sweet like honey, jelly or syrup. Find the source and dispose of it.

Ants will form a trail from their nest to the food source. Scrub the scent trail with vinegar to erase the scent. If you can find their entryway into your home, fill it with Borax and seal it off with caulking.  

To prevent ants keep your kitchen neat and tidy and clean up any spills that happen. Take your trash out often, periodically clean out your fridge, and keep any sweet and sugary items tightly sealed in your pantry.

If food doesn't seem to be the culprit you can also get your hands on some ant traps and set them around the area you see them most. 

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Shoo Fly Don’t Bother Me…

If it’s a battle with ants, it’s World War III when it comes to flies. A good weapon of choice? An electric fly swatter. Not only is it effective, but it’s completely satisfying to hear the buzzing sound and smell the scent of charred fly when it’s zapped. 

Can’t seem to get your fly swatter in the right position? Try holding a twisted up dish towel, then flick your wrist to snap the towel so the end of it hits the fly. This can work especially well when the fly is on a wall or on your window.

It’s inevitable that you’ll have house flies any time of year (including winter), but expect to see even more of them during the summer months because they can feel your air conditioner and fly inside to get cool.

You can help minimize flies by frequently cleaning up outside after your pets, making sure all garbage can lids are tightly closed, and there are no scraps lying around. It’s a good idea to make sure your window screens are secure and there are no holes or tears to let flies into your apartment. You can try sticky fly traps too, but the fly zapper is way more fun.

The Itsy, Bitsy Spider…

Some people are deathly afraid of spiders, and rightfully so. Some of them are big, furry, and you can literally see them looking at you with their beady eyes. If you can’t tell the difference between a daddy long legs and a black widow, just leave the spider alone. Call your maintenance staff and have them take care of Charlotte’s web.

If apartment living is frequently giving you pesky bugs like ants, flies or spiders, let management know. They most likely have a scheduled pest control company that comes out on a regular basis, and can tell them to pay extra attention to your apartment in Chico or Redding.