leaking_sinkLiving in Northern California means you've heard a lot about the need for Californians to conserve water and be conscious of our usage.

The average person uses between 80-100 gallons of water per day. But how do you reduce that when you rent an apartment?

Lucky for you we have a few tips that will help you lower your water usage while living in North State rental properties.

Conserve in the Kitchen

  • Let dishes with caked on food soak in soapy water before you try to wash them. This will help reduce water by avoiding the running water that would be needed to scrub the food off before soaking.

  • Only run the dishwasher when it is completely full to maximize the efficiency of the load. Also, try scraping food off of the plate, bowls etc. to prevent the common prewash that is done before they enter the dishwasher.

  • Thaw food in the refrigerator instead of letting it soak in a bowl of water.

  • Use a pan of water to wash your fruits and vegetables instead of running water from the tap. 
  • Did you know that a dripping faucet results in 15 gallons of water water in day? Make sure you are checking your faucets for leaks. Then notify your front office right away if you experience any leaks.

Conserve in the Bathroom and Laundry Room

  • Turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth or shaving. You can waste a lot of water especially if you brush your teeth for the two minute expectation!

  • Stop taking those 30 minute showers and avoid baths. Yes, they are relaxing and a great way to start or end your day but you are wasting a lot of water. If you need to take a bath then fill the tub halfway. This way you are able to prevent water spilling over when you get into the tub.

  • Wash your clothes when you have a full load of laundry. This will help maximize the number of clothes washed with the same amount of water that is used in a cycle. If your machine has the capability to adjust the water levels depending on the load size, then use this feature! This can be difficult when living in North State rental properties, but it is best to be mindful of our loads of laundry when trying to conserve water.

  • Whenever you have a leak or even think that you have a leak, tell your apartment manager immediately. One leak from a toilet or faucet can mean wasting 300 gallons of water per day! That is a lot of water on your floors. The problem won’t be fixed unless your maintenance staff fixes it so the sooner the better to help prevent major damage to the property and help with water conservation.


For more information on apartment living in North State rental properties, apartment vacancies and amenities check out our rental property page!