flashlight that is onDo you have an emergency (or disaster) kit for your apartment? These kits are normally talked about on the news when large storms like hurricanes and tornadoes hit towns, but even something as simple as the electricity going out for a few days requires a kit and readiness.

What to Put in a DIY Disaster Preparedness Kit

By: www.apartmenttherapy.com

Items to Include in a Basic Emergency Supply Kit:

  • Water, one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation. Water purification tablets or The Lifesaver Bottle.

  • Food, at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food. Canned foods, dry goods which are properly stored. Believe it or not, Costco even offers a Vegetarian Emergency Food Supply Kit.

  • Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio.

  • Battery-powered or hand crank flashlight. I would also include an LED headlamp because you may have to use your hands for other things during an emergency.

  • Extra batteries, or better yet, a solar charger.

  • First aid kit. Don't forget prescriptions that you can't do without.

  • Heat reflective "Emergency" blanket. Made of mylar, they reflect your body heat back to you.

To find the full emergency kit list, click here.

Along with having a physical emergency kit to help you get through the local emergency, you also need to know basic safety tips for different disasters while living in apartments in Chico and Redding California.