Christmas_Tree_Lighting'Tis the season: The city is finally lighting up its Annual Community Christmas tree! With over 8,000 LED lights wrapped around the tree, this event is sure to make the season bright for everyone living in Chico.

When and Where Will it Be?

The lighting of the tree takes place Friday, December 4th from 6 to 8 p.m. This event is held downtown at the City Plaza.

What to Expect?

In addition to the tree being lit, there will be some musical entertainment and some special guests -- including an appearance from Santa himself! Here's an excerpt from the official page:

City Plaza will come alive from the glow of the nearly 8,000 LED lights during the lighting of the Annual Community Christmas Tree! Guests will enjoy a musical program and join Santa and others in the countdown to light the tree in City Plaza. Make it an evening in Downtown Chico with dinner and drinks at a popular restaurant. Highlights include:

  • Santa visits!
  • Vice-Mayor Morgan addresses the crowd
  • Performances by the Children’s Choir of Chico and Sounds of the Valley Women’s Chorus
  • Wonderful, ‘feel-good’ community strengthening event

You can view the event's page on the official Downtown Chico Business Association website by clicking here.

What Should You Bring?

All you need to bring to this event is your loved ones and the holiday spirit. We're sure you've already noticed, but the weather's getting cooler and cooler, so be sure to dress in your coziest winter clothes too! And of course, bring cash if you plan to do a little gift-shopping or if you want to eat at one of the many fantastic restaurants downtown.   

Ticket Information:

We bear good tidings: The event is totally free! No ticket purchase necessary.

Here at Living in Chico, we like to keep everybody informed about local Chico events because we want you to have as much fun as we do in our town. Check out our website or our Facebook page to learn more about other events that are coming up.