LivingInChico-MovingChecklistIf you’re living in Chico you know it's graduation season because there are more bodies than usual walking the streets of downtown Chico, more vehicles than usual driving down our many one-way streets, and many yard sale signs and free furniture signs. Amidst the pomp and circumstance of college and high school graduations, you may be making a move to rental living in Chico California or somewhere else in the world, in which case you are probably overwhelmed with the many things you have to do.

To help you simply and organize your moving, or at least help you feel a little less stressed, we’ve found a moving checklist that will help you out.

The Ultimate One-Month Moving Checklist: What to Do and When to Do It

Posted by: Apartment Therapy

   Week One

  • Give written 30-day notice to the landlord.
  • Schedule movers/book a Uhaul. Do this well in advance, especially if you're moving at the end of a month (the most popular time to move and when they'll most likely be booked up).
  • Clean out closets/purge belongings. Never move more stuff than is necessary; get rid of excess now.
  • Decide what furniture will work in the new place; for everything else, list on Craigslist or offer to friends. 
  • Get boxes and packing materials. You can always buy 'em, but I've found the Craigslist free section to be the best source of packing materials; after you've moved you can pass them on.

  Week Two

  • Start packing. Begin with non-essentials (out-of-season clothes, rarely-used kitchen equipment) and work up to necessities as you get closer to moving day. 
  • Start taking down art and photos from the wall and patch the holes with a dab of spackle.
  • Stop grocery shopping — learn to embrace the makeshift meal and start cleaning out the freezer.
  • Change your address with all your financial institutions, credit card providers and insurance.
  • Go to USPS to choose a date to begin forwarding your mail (it costs $1).
    Send a mass email to your contacts with your new mailing address.

[Continue to Full Article]


This is a great list to get you started as you prepare for your move rental living situations. At Hignell Rentals we want to be helpful and be your home for Northern California Rentals. Check out our free Ultimate Moving Guide below as you transition to your new rental. It reminds you of all those little details that are easily missed when moving!