labor dayHave you ever stopped to consider why we celebrate Labor Day? At Hignell Rentals we’re just as excited as you are for a three day weekend, retail sales and specials, and an excuse to barbecue and spend the day out on the lake. But we got to thinking, how much do we really know about Labor Day? So here’s what we learned, with a few fun tips mixed in.

What Exactly Does Labor Day Celebrate?

Labor Day celebrates the American worker. According to the United States Department of Labor, the day is “dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.” We couldn’t have said it better. Labor Day always falls on the first Monday in September and marks the unofficial end to summer.

Below are some more Fun Facts about Labor Day:

Labor Day in America
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Why are WE Celebrating Labor Day at Hignell Rentals?

We want to bring it even a little bit closer to home. At Hignell Rentals, we tip our hats to all of the workers at our Chico and Redding rental properties, from managers and maintenance to janitors and landscapers, and everyone in between. We also want to acknowledge YOU – our residents. We know you work hard too, whether it’s at a job outside of Chico and Redding rental properties or taking pride in taking care of the current Chico and Redding rental properties you occupy. You deserve a day off!

How Should You Celebrate Labor Day?

We like to be patriotic at Hignell Rentals, so first we encourage you to take a moment to be quietly grateful for the opportunities we have living in America. We know things aren’t always bright and sunny, but we are fortunate to live in the nation we do.

Now, what better way to celebrate than barbecuing! We found these recipes and we think they look delicious. Whether you choose to barbecue steak, chicken, seafood or need ideas for a side or dessert, we encourage you to give them a try.

The weather this weekend will be in the mid 90's but it should be beautiful no matter what! You should get outside of your Chico and Redding rental properties and go for a swim in the pool, take a hike in Bidwell Park, fire up the grill (but be safe!), and have some friends over for some good old fashioned fun and games. Just don't forget the sunscreen!

At Hignell Rentals we wish you a fun and safe Labor Day!

Don't feel like BBQ-ing this Labor Day? Find a yummy place to eat out instead by checking out our North State Living page