american flags in a jarAre you hoping to have a fun, festive, Fourth of July celebration his year? Independence Day is just around the corner, and we’ve got some ways you can have one of the most patriotic apartments in Chico California, as well as a few enjoyable ways for you to celebrate.

Sometimes living in an apartment doesn’t exactly inspire to you plan a get-together or get creative decorating, but why not? You might make excuses like, “I don’t have enough room to have a party” or “Nobody is going to care about my decorations anyway,” but we’re not letting you get away with them! You might not have enough room for 20 people, but you can probably fit 10, and your neighbors will enjoy your decorations even if they don’t say so.

So here are some fun ways to celebrate the 4th of July living in apartments in Chico California:

Plan a Party

The good thing about living in apartments is that most complexes have a barbecue area or even allow you to have a barbecue on your porch. Make a quick trip to the store for some ballpark hot dogs, potato salad and watermelon and invite a few of your best friends over. Or keep it simple and just make a festive dessert. Food + friends = a party!


Show your patriotism by decorating your apartment in red, white and blue. Plant a flower pot with red, white and blue flowers. Hang an American flag in your window. Make some fun decorations found on Pinterest like this wreath, these easy crafts for kids or decorate yourself with nail art

Keep Cool

The beginning of July is usually looking at upwards of 100 degree temperatures. The Fourth of July is a holiday off from work for most people, so really take the day off and relax by some water. Most apartments in Chico California are located in complexes that have swimming pools. Take advantage of this amenity and use it! Some apartments in Chico California are even within walking distance of the creek or Sycamore pool in Bidwell Park. 

Find Some Fireworks

To watch that is. Remember, it’s illegal to set off fireworks at apartments in Chico California or anywhere else in California for that matter, so don’t even think about it! Instead, check out the fireworks at the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds after the sprint car races. Or forget the fireworks and visit One-Mile at Bidwell Park anytime from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. for Chico’s Fourth of July Celebration for family entertainment, food and crafts.

Stay Safe!

However you’ll be celebrating the Fourth of July this year, remember to stay safe. If you’re headed out for some recreation during the day, drink lots of water and wear sunscreen. If you’re going to a cook-out, make sure you’re not too partied out to drive home. If you’re staying in and having some friends over, be respectful of the volume of your patriotism.

We’ll leave you with one last tip. Check the apartments in Chico California where you live to see if the complex is planning anything. If not, maybe you should be the one to do it. It’s a great way to meet other people in your apartment community and have a fun Fourth of July celebration in your own apartment backyard.