Girl PanickingHere’s the scenario: You currently reside in the Bay Area and have decided it’s time for a change. Your husband applied for a job in Chico, California with the hopes of moving the family somewhere with more of a small town, family-oriented feel. He got the job. He starts in one week which means you have exactly 168 hours to look at Chico rental properties for a place to live, coordinate the move, and pack. Where do you start? Don't panic! You're in the right place.


1.  Find a Place to Live 

First and foremost you need somewhere to move into. Since you only have a week to find somewhere, you might be able to take a drive to Chico and look at a few Chico rental properties, but realistically it might make more sense (and give you some extra packing time) to visit the search page or see a list of apartment vacancies at You can see photos of the rental properties, take virtual tours, and see a list of the amenities each provides. Since you’re under a time crunch, make a list of the characteristics you absolutely can’t live without at your rental property and then search accordingly. Be flexible as you look for the place that’s just right.

2.  Coordinate the Move

You know your move date – one week from today. Oh my! Make this as easy as possible for yourself. If you don’t have a moving budget, make a quick one now. Set aside some funds to spend on a moving company or truck, packing supplies and any other miscellaneous expenses that might come up. For example, if you are currently renting you might have to pay extra to get out of your lease or to cancel a service like digital cable. Then get on the phone and reserve a moving truck or call up some friends and family for extra hands. You have a few choices here:

  • Hire a moving company to do all the hard work for you of loading, driving to your new destination and unloading. Usually, you do the packing and they do the moving. This might be a good option if you don’t want to worry about transporting the big stuff.
  • Rent a moving truck if you feel comfortable driving a big rig and doing the loading and unloading yourself – although we recommend recruiting friends and family to help if you can!
  • Use your own vehicles and that of your friends and family to move all of your stuff. This probably isn’t the best idea though if you are moving into Chico rental properties because, well, you’re in the Bay Area remember? And the Chico rental properties you are looking at are well, in Chico. This would require multiple trips and the amount you pay in gas could be put toward one big moving truck.

3.  Start packing

This will probably be the most time consuming part of moving in Chico rental properties, but it can be very organized and efficient if well executed. Start by getting supplies – boxes of all sizes, bubble wrap, packing tape, and a big thick Sharpie marker. Then make a plan:

  • First pack things you don’t use everyday like holiday decorations, seasonal clothing, and linens.
  • Pack by room and label the boxes accordingly so when you’re unpacking you can place those boxes in the appropriate rooms.
  • Pack fragile things together.
  • Get rid of things you don’t use anymore as you pack. It’s silly to haul them to the new place and take up precious packing space.
  • Make sure everything is tightly packed, sealed and labeled.

Preparing to move can be a whirlwind of events, especially if you only have a limited amount of time to do it in. Pause and take a deep breath. Follow the quick tips above and you’ll be happily settled into your Chico rental properties in no time.

Need more tips on packing up your current place and moving? Download our Ultimate Moving Guide to find these tips in one simple place.