WelcomeIf you have friends and family coming home for the holidays – or just coming to YOUR home for the holidays – you'll want to prepare your Chico or Redding rental properties so they have a warm, comfortable visit. Hosting visitors in your home can be a fun and enjoyable experience for some people or just plain exhausting and stressful for others.

The important thing is to be prepared for your guests so they'll feel welcomed and you can be at ease. Even though it is extra work hosting guests, you want to do what you can to allow yourself to have a good time visiting with them too.

Get in the Right Mindset

While hosting guests in your Chico or Redding rental properties does require more work than usual it can also be something to look forward to. It can provide you a break from the normal humdrum of daily life. Start off by letting yourself off the hook. The house doesn’t have to be immaculate. It’s understandable if you want to tidy up and clean more than usual, but know that your guests are human and they aren’t expecting perfection.

Mean it When You Say “Make Yourself at Home”

While guests need to be respectful of your house rules, let them put their feet up, help you clean up the dishes, and enjoy some time of relaxation. Most people want to be helpful though and feel like they are taking advantage of you if you don’t let them help. Even small tasks like setting the table or stirring the pot on the stove will make them feel like less of an intruder in your space. Of course, there are the family members who mooch too, but if that’s the case, know they’ll be out of your hair in a few days!

Have Extra Supplies on Hand

Inevitably someone will forget their toothbrush or run out of shampoo. Create a “welcome kit” for guests and leave it on the bathroom counter filled with basic essentials they might need like a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, maybe even a candle and a pair of socks to make them feel extra cozy. Go shopping beforehand and stock up on paper goods, food, and fun extras like coffee, tea, snacks, and maybe even a new candle or bouquet of flowers.

Schedule Any Maintenance Ahead of Time

The last thing you need when you have guests is for your heating and air system to be on the fritz or your refrigerator to suddenly stop working. Schedule a time with your landlord to set-up maintenance for areas in your Chico or Redding rental properties that need it.

For example, if an electrical switch hasn’t worked for a few months, an appliance is making a funny noise, or the landscaping crew has missed a week. Also keep in mind any extra things you’re responsible for, like not parking in certain areas or whether or not it’s okay to smoke. That way you can tell your guests so they won’t break the rules and leave you to be held responsible.  

Preparing for your guests to come to your home for the holidays can be a time to make memories in your Chico or Redding rental properties. Be intentional about creating an inviting environment, but also taking the time to enjoy the company.


Want make your home extra clean for when guests arrive? Download our Seasonal Deep Cleaning Checklist and even that picky family member won't find a dirty spot to complain about!