I am sure that you have noticed by now that when you are looking for apartments in Chico California, you have quite a few options to choose from. But how should you narrow down which apartment is best for you? If you want to live in a place where you will have office staff and managers seeing that you have the best living experience, then look no further than Living in Chico!
Meet Derrick Sanderson
Derrick has been living in Chico for 6 years. His favorite thing to do in Chico is a walk in lower Bidwell park. When Derrick isn’t at the office of 1661 Forest Avenue or running his business Sanderson Audio, he likes to squeeze in a round of golf. Some of his favorite local courses are Tuscan Ridge and Bidwell Golf Course. Derrick is celebrating his two year anniversary in October with his wife Heather. They enjoy playing a game of Rummy or Nertz together.
Derrick has been working at 1661 Forest Ave and loves not only working there, but loves living there! His favorite thing about 1661 are his residents. He finds himself very blessed to work at Living in Chico’s largest complex with its amazing residents who care about community. This manager really likes going to the pool but his favorite amenity is the sand volleyball court.
We have a Caring Communities Team at 1661 that plans events throughout the month to encourage residents to meet new people and to make those relationships a priority. The Caring Communities Events can average around 40-50 residents! Derrick’s favorite Caring Communities event, and one that he enjoys attending, is the “Meet Your Neighbors” dinners.
When you show up to 1661, you will see beautiful landscaping and trees that are inviting and reminds Derrick of Bidwell Park. You will get quality work in maintenance, your manager will be readily available and the staff have high expectations to meet to ensure that you have the best experience at our apartments in Chico California when you choose a Living in Chico property.
If you want a manager like Derrick who loves living in Chico and enjoys working at 1661 Forest Avenue, then check out or apartments in Chico California! Take a look at our website and find video tours of our complexes, list of availabilities, applications and more to make your apartment search “funner”!