playing a game on zoomStaring to get a little stir crazy? Feel like you've already watched all Netflix has to offer...twice? Maybe you are just staring at your apartment wall wondering what you can do to pass the time and entertain yourself? 

Have no fear! We found a few different ways you can continue to pass the time while stuck inside your apartment!

1. Organize Your Closets

This is a great time of year to organize your closets! You can go through your clothes, shoes, extra blankets/bedding etc. to see if there are things that you don’t need anymore. Once you've cleared everything out and placed it into a donation pile for when we're liberated, you can organize your closet with these tips!

2. Read a Book

It's time to head over to your bookshelf and pick up that book you bought thinking you'd have time to read it, but never got around to it. You've got all the time in world to read now! Don't have any new books on your self? Head over to Amazon and order yourself a new one or grab the Kindle version and start reading it today. Reading is a rather relaxing activity, so find the comfiest seat in your apartment, grab your favorite drink, and read your day away.

3. Put Together a Puzzle

Reading not your thing? Then clear your coffee table or your dining room table and start a puzzle. This is a great way to stimulate your brain while relaxing in the comfort of your home. Don’t have the attention span to only put together a puzzle? Then go ahead and turn on the TV and pop in a movie that you like so that you can easily multi-task.

4. Try a New Recipe

Baking or cooking in the kitchen can be time consuming, but is great if you're trying to do something to prevent getting bored in your Chico apartment. Try a new recipe or something that is a bit more complex that will take up more of your time.

5. Play a Game

Have a roommate or a family member living with you?  Then go ahead and have a game day! Whether it be Monopoly or Guess Who?, board games can be played at any time of the day. We recommend Monopoly if you have a lot of time to kill.

Live alone? Check out these 10 fun games to play on Zoom. They suggest everything from Bingo to Charades! 

6. Start Learning a New Language

The country you've always wanted to visit but wanted to actually know some of the language before you go? Now's the time! The world wide web has hundreds of free resources to help you start learning a new language. Just think, when everyone is allowed to travel again you'll be completely ready to go!

7. Take a Tour of the World

Not being able to leave your apartment can give anyone cabin fever, especially if you had to cancel a trip you were looking forward to! So, why not plan a virtual trip instead? Readers Digest has 12 different day trips you can go on from the comfort of your couch. Do you want to visit Africa, the Louvre in Paris, the inside of iconic aircraft, Yellowstone, etc.? Plan out your week and just go. 

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