fall pillows and blanketThe days are shorter, the nights are cooler, the leaves are threatening to change color, and you've started seeing ads for pumpkin spice everything.

This can only mean one thing: Fall has arrived and it’s time to get your apartments in Chico California ready by overcoming the alarm clock in the dark mornings, digging out your jeans and sweaters, giving your home a fresh look, and making sure your apartment is ready for the season.

1.  Spring Clean in the Fall

There are some things that thankfully you only really need to clean a few times a year. Spring and fall are good times to do it. This might include:

  • Dusting blinds
  • Wiping baseboards
  • Dusting ceiling fans
  • Washing windows inside and out
  • Moving furniture and vacuuming behind it
  • Wiping out cupboard and drawers

While these are kind of dreaded tasks, your apartment will feel really clean after you are done. It might help to set aside one day and just get it done, or a few hours two weekends in a row if an entire day is out of the question.

2.  Organize and De-clutter

Since you’ll have to take everything out of the cupboards and drawers anyway to wipe them down, you might as well organize their contents before putting them away again. Consider getting rid of any appliances, pots, pans, containers or other items you can’t remember using since spring. This will free up space for you. Don’t get rid of the crock pot though – even if you haven’t used it, there are some yummy easy fall recipes out there you might want to try!

Recommit yourself to cutting down on the clutter too. When you bring the mail inside each day throw away the junk. Then separate the “to-do” items from the “to-save” items and file accordingly in a basket on the counter. You can also do little things to help de-clutter like hanging up your keys and jackets, putting bags away, and even setting a timer for yourself for one minute to focus on de-cluttering. You’ll feel so accomplished when you’re done!

3.  Redecorate a Few Small Things

Now that you’re organized and you can see your counter tops and kitchen table again, give yourself a treat by redecorating a few things in your apartments. You could switch out the tablecloth and placemats for fall colors, buy a new kitchen rug or welcome mat, rearrange your furniture if space allows, or buy a couple of fall scented candles to light when you’re home. Sometimes small changes can make a big difference in setting the tone for your home.

4.  Switch Out Clothing and Bedding

Instead of coming home to a pile of clothes in the evening because you couldn’t find your sweater that morning, take an hour and switch out your wardrobe. Since living in apartments in Chico California means you probably don’t have tons of extra storage space, pack away your summer clothing items in space bags and push them under your bed. Hang all your jackets, sweaters and jeans on one side of the closet and any summer dresses on the opposite side. Pull your boots forward and push your sandals to the back.

Since the nights are getting cooler you’ll probably need an extra blanket on your bed or want to switch to some flannel sheets. Then put on your pjs and snuggle under the covers!

5.  Make Sure Seasonal Check-ups are happening

Living in apartments in Chico California means that you  management should be doing periodic check-ups. This generally* includes:

  • Changing the air filter in your apartment
  • Testing/Replacing the batteries in the smoke detector

*With COVID, the process of how each of these gets completed has changed. Check with your manager to see what the new process is.

If this isn’t happening, or you notice something unusual, make sure to call the maintenance staff or let your apartment manager know.

So now that you know 5 ways to get your apartments in Chico California ready for fall, go do it so that you can spend more time sipping pumpkin spice whatever and anything else that makes living in Chico in the fall, extremely enjoyable!